Chapter 6

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The birds chirped on evergreen trees as spring comes whistling through the air with its breeze. The sun bright above the sky was slowly descending, where trees shadowed the beams below into magnificent arrays of small beams of light passing through the gaps of leaves.

It was approximately four in the afternoon by then, the calm whistles of nature alongside the gentle chatter of people nearby allured the area with youthful joy. It would be, if only a certain individual would cease the frown bestowed upon her expression.

Three days has passed since that night she approached the animatronic in the daycare, and still, not a clue. Vanessa couldn't help but release a sigh as she remained seated on the red and white checkered blanket sprawled on the grass in a nearby park, finding no purpose in being here in the first place.

"Sorry it took too long; the line was unbearable." You suddenly spoke when you approached her, two paper bags were carried in your arms, a somewhat tired expression looming your face. "Are these even that good for people to wait that long? Tsk." You mumbled.

Vanessa merely eyed you while you sat down on the blanket beside her, placing the paper bags down.

Apparently, today was a holiday where both you and Vanessa were allowed to take a vacation leave for the day. Instead of staying at home and sleeping, you chose to invite Vanessa out. For the past few hours, you played in the arcade with her, took her shopping in a nearby mall, and even went to see a movie after lunch. Now that it's four in the afternoon, you asked her out for a picnic near sunset.

The purpose of this is supposedly to take her mind off of work reasons, since lately, she has been pretty lethargic in nature. You knew right away that something is bothering her, but she just couldn't say it. With Freddy's advice, you spent the entirety of the day with Vanessa, in hopes to cheer her up.

But still, that frown of hers never left.

"It's a famous branch, who wouldn't expect a line?" she replied as lengthy as she could, despite the nonchalant eyes she held—they were tired. The nonsensical day spent in unproductivity.

Your eye could've twitched in great annoyance but held the urge to do so. You recalled Freddy's advice a few nights ago; patience is the key.

You simply opened the paper bag and took out the mozzarella sticks you've bought. "Well, what are you waiting for? Try it!" you tried to sound jubilant as you took a taste of the snack—indeed, it was worth waiting in line for.

However, Vanessa merely eyed the paper box where her portion of the snack is. "I'm not hungry, I told you this already. Can't we just go home?" she asked for the nth time today, a plead she repeated while being pulled and dragged around by you.

This time, you couldn't help but close your eyes in annoyance. "Vanessa, I really want to help you loosen up, but how will I do that if you keep pushing me away?" you shifted to face her fully, your body already facing her laid back stature. "I want to help you as much as I can, but I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"Even if I did tell you, you just wouldn't understand—"

"Then make me understand you." You crossed your arms, your interest on the snack earlier faded quite quickly. "You can trust me, I promise." You finally proposed a promise in hopes that—after several hours of convincing her, she'll be more open.

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