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Ophelia leant against the cold, unforgiving metal wall of the helicopter, the rhythmic thump of blades slicing through the air above her.

Her head throbbed in sync with the relentless beat, each impact sending a jolt of pain through her skull.

The metallic taste of blood lingered on her lips as her side ached and heaved with pain.

Her eyelids grew heavy, threatening to seal her in the darkness of unconsciousness, and the persistent clatter of her head meeting the metal surface snapped her back to reality.

Another collision, another bruise.

She winced, feeling the ache resonate through every fibre of her being.

In the haze of disorientation, a gentle tap on her cheek roused her senses.

Slowly, as if emerging from the depths of a murky dream, Ophelia's eyes fluttered open.

The harsh light of the helicopter's interior stung her pupils, forcing her to squint against the intrusion.

König sat looking down at her. His fingers poised, ready to administer another tap the moment her strength waned.

His blue eyes were unreadable as he stared at her but with each tap, a fragile connection to consciousness was rekindled.

Ophelia fought against the relentless pull of gravity, determined to remain upright.

She could feel the sweat clinging to her forehead, a testament to the physical toll the ordeal had exacted.

A groan escaped her lips as she struggled to sit up, the world spinning around her.

The acrid scent of fuel mixed with the metallic tang of blood assaulted her senses.

König's hand steadied her trembling shoulder, providing an anchor in the disorienting whirlwind.

She felt his tight grip hold her still as she fought against the pain.

As she clutched the injured area at her side, a wave of dizziness threatened to pull her back into the abyss.

As the helicopter's rhythmic blades sliced through the air, creating a symphony of mechanical beats, Zero's voice cut through the ambient noise.

"You did good, Kid," he uttered softly, his words a gentle salve in the aftermath of the chaos.

Ophelia, still grappling with the remnants of pain and exhaustion, managed to summon a triumphant smile.

Her eyes, heavy with weariness, sparkled with a mix of relief and accomplishment.

The weight of the recent ordeal lifted, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Good? Just good?" she retorted, her voice carrying a hint of playful defiance.

A wide, fake smile stretched across her face as she leaned back, allowing her head to rest against the unforgiving metal of the helicopter's interior.

Her eyelids drooped, but the victorious glint in her eyes remained undiminished.

"I saved your ass," she added with a touch of theatrical flair, the words laced with a mix of mock arrogance and genuine pride.

It was a moment of levity amid the storm, a chance to revel in the triumph of survival.

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