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The dimly lit room echoed with the sounds of Ophelia's frustrated breaths as she glared at the battered man before her.

Ophelia's hands, stained with a mixture of the man's blood and her own desperation, clutched her knife tight.

She had exhausted every conventional method of extracting information.

Apart from cutting the man's limbs off.

Dimitri wore a defiant grin that seemed to mock her efforts.

His swollen eye was nearly shut, a testament to the relentless storm of blows he had endured.

Despite the ordeal, the man's lips remained sealed.

Ophelia, her patience hanging by the thinnest of threads, contemplated the limits of her resolve.

She had been at this for almost two hours.

"You can save yourself a world of pain if you just talk," Ophelia seethed, her voice a harsh whisper that reverberated in the cramped room.

The man's response was a low chuckle, accompanied by a cough that sprayed droplets of blood onto the floor.

His gaze remained fixed on Ophelia, a twisted gleam in his eye that betrayed a disturbing amusement.

"If you suck my-" Ophelia's eyes narrowed with a mixture of confusion and fury as the lewd comments continued to spew from Dimitri's bloodstained lips.

The air crackled with tension as she weighed the consequences of her actions.

Her fingers gripped her knife with a newfound determination.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," she muttered into her comm, her voice seething with raw anger.

Zeus's response was a stern order to refrain.

"I bet you're good at it too," he said as he looked her up and down.

Dimitri, seemingly unfazed by the impending threat, continued his perverse taunts.

Ophelia's vision blurred with rage as she raised the knife again, ready to strike, but a sudden interruption halted her mid-swing.

A gravelly, deep voice, laden with a distinct accent, pierced through the comm.

"Open the window."

The mention of a window from the familiar voice froze Ophelia's whole body.



"Now," he said and she could hear the barely restrained anger in his voice.

The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning.

He was at the window.

Three stories up.

Ophelia's eyes darted across the room as she turned in a circle, searching for any signs of movement or direction.

The distant sound of boots on metal reached her ears, providing a subtle cue to guide her next move.

"Which one?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion, her gaze fixed on the massive windows in front of her.

The response came swiftly, a single word cutting through the tense atmosphere.


Oh, he was pissed.

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