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"did I hear right about Jimin?" Taehyung's elder brother seojin asked, totally shocked.

Taehyung, busting out his boxing moves, gave the bag a hard smack and replied, "Damn, who spilled the beans?"

"Everybody knows, It's the hot gossip," his brother said, kicking back on a nearby chair.

"I have no clue what's going on in his head. You know Jimin, he's stubborn as hell," Taehyung said, stopping his practice and taking a seat next to his brother

"He for real?" his brother asked.

"Hyung, has Jimin ever played around? He's dead serious about something weird," Taehyung said, still in disbelief.

"how you feeling after hearing 'bout it?" his brother asked, givin' him a teasing look.

"Haha, what's up with that look?" Taehyung laughed sarcastically

"I was just thinking, Jiminie is a real dumbass and hella unpredictable. Can't even guess what's cookin' in his head," Taehyung said, wondering why Jimin is like this.

"Anyways it's good for him" seojin mumbled and taehyung didn't know why good for him, doesn't sound good for him.


Jimin's elder brother Jihun questioned him with a hint of uncertainty, "Are you absolutely certain, Jimin?"

"Without a doubt," Jimin responded sincerely.

"Jimin, seriously, is there truly no one you have in mind for marriage?" Jimin's sister-in-law Mihi probed.

"I've never been in a relationship or had a crush. I plan to have an arranged marriage, just like our father," Jimin clarified.

"Times have changed since Dad's time," his brother pointed out.

"I get where you're coming from, especially since you had a love marriage. But not everyone experiences love, and I don't think I'm capable of it," Jimin firmly stated.

"Everyone has the capacity to love, but it seems like you've made a choice not to," his brother expressed, sounding disappointed.

Mihi added, "Jimin, don't you think it's important to have a connection with your future spouse? What if you don't develop feelings for them?"

"I understand your concerns, Mihi. I believe love can develop over time. Arranged marriages aren't devoid of emotions, they just have a different approach. I trust that I'll find someone who shares my values and beliefs, and together we can create a strong and lasting bond," Jimin explained.

"But what if you regret your decision later on?" his brother asked, still unsure.

"Hyung, I have no doubts about this. Arranged marriages worked for our parents, and I believe it can work for me too. I'm fully committed to making it work and building a happy and successful marriage," Jimin reassured.

His brother looked at him with a newfound understanding. "I trust your judgment, Jimin. I'll support you all the way."

"Thank you, Hyung," Jimin expressed, feeling relieved and grateful.

Their heartfelt conversation was suddenly cut short by the sound of a ringing phone.

"Oh, that's mine," Jimin realized, quickly pulling out his phone from his pocket. Without even saying hello, he heard Taehyung's urgent voice on the other end.

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