Daniel 😬

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Buck's POV:

"Daniel?" I whisper

"Where do you think you're going little bro" He laughs

"home"  I plead "I don"t belong here, this isn't real, you aren't real" I add

"Why not just stay here"

"You can have the family you never had" he chuckled

"I do have a family, not the same one I have here, one that needs me" I sniffle

" I've gotta get back before it's too late"  I snap

"It's already too late, your real-world family, they've already given up on you, they're pulling the plug Evan" he spat

"No that's not what's happening" I hesitate  watching the doctor

"They are waiting for you to die so they can move on with their lives without you" he added

"They don't care about you, why would they, you're not good enough, never have been. The only reason  you were born was for spare parts and they were defective"

"It wasn't my fault" I cry

"We both know you don't really believe that" he expresses as I watch him turn into me, I look him up and down confused

"Right this is all happening inside my head, which means I have been talking to myself the whole time" I say putting the pieces together

"The upside is I don't have to feel bad not listening to you anymore" I say frantically shoving all the pill containers and shelves out of my way

"what are you doing" he laughed

"I have to get back I'm running out of time" I yell

"That's impossible, there is no way in there, now you're stuck here with me" he smirks

"It's not impossible. there is no locked room with the right tools and enough time you can't break into. I know that.." I paused pulling an ax out of thin air "Because I'm a firefighter" I finish

"There is nothing for you in that room. No one in there needs you" he whispers

"I'm not going back for them, I'm going back for me"  I state breaking through the glass

"Oh my" I hear my mom breathe

"Once I get out of here I'm ordering a pizza, I am so tired of this hospital food." I sigh as Maddie looks over smiling at me 

"You just went through a traumatic event Evan. You're going to need to give your heart and lungs a chance to heal." the doctor sarcastically said 

"Your gonna have to take it easy for a while" she adds 

"How long" I ask curiously  

" A week or two" she responds 

"Who's gonna tell her?" I jokingly ask Maddie as she shrugs 

"I'm not the best at taking it easy" I laugh 

"Oh, she's been warned" Maddie  laughs 

"Not by me" she adds  

"You have visitors" The doctor says while leaving as the whole 118 come piling in 

"Oh do I have stuff to tell you" I say to the whole team while hugging everyone  

"Give him a hug" I hear Eddie say as Chris leans in to hug me, I make sure this hug is the longest 

"Welcome back to the land of living Buck" Eddie jokes 

God, i love him 


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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