001 || Kaboom

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2006 Gojo's Past

You're 2 years younger than Gojo :)


You were outside walking away from Renchoku Girls' Junior High, your school. It was now the end of the day, you were suppose to be waiting for someone, but you don't remember who, so you decided to just walk home thinking, it'll come back to you later. Suddenly,

"Oi Y/N, I'm talking to you." Riko Amanai, your best friend since grade school jumped in front of you. Nearly making you knock her over. "JESUS! I ALMOST FELL ONTOP OF YOU RIKO!!" shock covering your face as you took a step back, you would've fallen straight towards the ground if your feet weren't firmly planted on the ground.

She scoffed giving you a smirk, "What are you talking about, you nearly fell backwards not forwards." she says teasing you, before she pauses, losing her smile. "You just seem.. out of it. You know, you were suppose to wait for me." Ah there it was, thats what you were forgetting. Riko spoke again drawing you out of your thoughts, "Are you okay Y/N?" Her voice was laced with worry and concern.

You pause for a moment before laughing, with Riko looking at you displeased. You didn't know what to say because even you felt unsure. You decide not to worry her for your weird intuition since you were wrong half of the time, "Aww~ are you worried about me?" A hint of teasing and playfulness in your voice but instead of chasing you around like usual, she just looked at you.


"Don't worry! Im fine I swear!!" You give her a reassuring smile while wrapping your arm around her shoulders. I just feel like things are gonna go wrong today, you thought to yourself before you and Riko say your farewells going in separate ways. You didn't feel like going home already so you walked for god knows how long, roaming around the place with your mind empty, daydreaming. Suddenly-


What the-? You looked to the woods where the noise had come from with yelling following along the explosion. Is someone hurt?? Should I go there.. should I call 119..? You start to overthink situations like a bombing or a gas pipe explosion, deciding it was no use thinking too much on it, you ran into the woods only for the trees to end after a short while. At the end, you see a crater with a collapsed building as 5 teens seem to be bickering together.

"ARE YOU ALL OK?!?" You were on the opposite side of them, so you couldn't see them too clearly. They turn to look at you as your gaze slowly drifted to him. Even though he was wearing sunglasses you could feel him staring at you, with his white hair gleaming in the sunlight. This is your first time meeting a man this gorgeous. You felt drawn into him, your heart racing, and your face turning red.

Was this love at first sight?

"Ah..  AHHH!!! WHO DIDNT PUT UP THE VEIL??!" The girl in the yukata screamed you felt bad for the brown hair girl as she was right next to her, "Oops." Responded the handsome boy, your eyes still fixated on him. "Its fine." Another girl with white hair said, putting her hand to her hip.

"Satoru, you're in trouble now." The boy with a bun sighed while climbing the rubble. The short brown hair girl just stayed silent while the yukata girl and the white hair boy bickered with each other.

"Ah geez fine.. Hey you there!!" Snapping out of it you realized you were staring a bit to much, but you still looked at the white hair boy that called your name. "Come here for a second!" He waves his hand to him, commanding you to come.

First love | Gojo x FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now