Chapter 4

21 0 0

"example" =speaking

"example" =thinking

"example" = text/written


It was now time for you to get dressed for the first day of your time at RAD, you already felt nervous to leave for the day.  It was pretty obvious you had no way out of going to class, since you're an exchange student for the purpose of RAD learning more about other non-demon cultures, and just starting attending classes.

You got dressed in the uniform that had been provided to you, packed a few necessities in your bag, and your D.D.D. It wasn't much, but it would be fine for the time being until you could get better school supplies and personal items. Getting ready for classes was easy, actually going to them was the issue. It had been a long time since you'd last attended in-person classes, or even went out in public during regular hours.

As a few minutes of just standing near the bedroom door passed, and you started considering pretending that you came down with the flu, a knock on the door nearly made you jump.

"Y/n, breakfast is ready. I assume you don't want cold breakfast"

Judging by the voice it was probably Lucifer, not exactly the best person to have to be around at this time with how intimidating he was, but it would be an improvement over having to directly face Leviathan after making him help you find your own room last night. You opened the door a bit, peeking out just enough to see him standing there with his arms crossed and his usual strict expression on his face.

"Good morning Y/n, now come on. You wouldn't want to be late."

Lucifer led you downstairs into the dining room, he occasionally turned his head just to make sure you were keeping up with him. You had to speed-walk to keep up with him, which wasn't exactly ideal, but he walked faster than you anyways.

As you walked through the large hallway, you could smell the freshly cooked breakfast and hear the rest of Lucifer's brothers talking in the dining room. A bit of arguing, although some of them were just having regular conversations, or not talking at all.  It was not your ideal place to be first thing in the morning, eating alone would be the preferred option, but that was obviously out of the question.

You weren't given much time to think, though, as Lucifer stopped at the dining room doorway to allow you to go in first. You would've preferred going in second, or not at all, but you walked into the dining room anyways and tried to seem like you at least somewhat wanted to be there.

Of course all of the brothers stared at you again, some looking more pleased to see you than others- except for Leviathan, who immediately looked away and went on his phone. You tried to ignore that, assuming he probably didn't want to be near you after the awkward situation last night. Although you couldn't blame him, you wanted to avoid him too, as much as you wished you could have at least one person who also enjoyed anime and video games, which he clearly did. Not that it would matter much anyways, the ideal thing would be to stay as far away from everyone as much as possible, especially considering that they're demons, and there was no telling how strong they were or what it would take to make one of them angry enough to hurt you. 

It didn't help that now all seven of them were staring at you now, including Leviathan. The way you were spacing out without even sitting down for breakfast must've caught their attention. Belphegor stared at you with an annoyed expression, glaring as he spoke.

"Could you stop staring at nothing like that ? I'm trying to eat breakfast and the way you stand there is ruining my appetite." 

This snapped you out of your thoughts, as Lucifer nodded and gestured for you to go sit down to eat. Which just added to the growing sick feeling, due to your seat being right next to both Leviathan and Asmodeus. Asmodeus hadn't exactly done anything to make you avoid him, but he was far too chatty and extroverted for your comfort. Leviathan on the other hand, was the exact person you wanted to avoid just about now, dreading the possibility that be brings up how you'd made him show you back to your bedroom after getting lost, or the fact that he definitely sees you as some normie human, instead of noticing that you and him had very similar interests (even though you'd done nothing to show that fact yet). 

Belphegor kept the glare on you for a full minute even after you'd sat down to eat, but stopped when Lucifer had sat down in his own seat at the table. Thankfully this made the brothers start talking as they would regularly, and that was enough to distract them from the way that your hands were shaking like crazy, and that your eyes were full of tears. Being confronted about the way you'd space out or freeze like a deer stuck in headlights rarely seemed like something that would happen to you, especially while it was happening. It wasn't like you could really blame him though, it was probably unsettling or uncomfortable when you did that, even if it was out of your control entirely. 

Soon you'd finished eating breakfast, and left with the demon brothers to head to your first day at RAD.  You followed behind them as they walked through the large doors, although it was hard to keep up with them, they walked much faster than you, and it didn't help that your legs felt weak and shaky at the moment. All you could do was hope that you wouldn't get lost in the halls, or anger another demon, or draw attention to yourself, among various other situations that could possibly happen. This wasn't helping calm you down in the slightest, making you almost trip while walking, and unfortunately bumping right into the worst possible person to bump into... Leviathan. 

This caused Leviathan's face to flush red, and he covered his mouth with his fist in embarrassment, or annoyance. It was hard to tell. He steadied himself on his feet, then turned to look at you with a glare. 

"ACK ! W-watch where you're going, y-you normie scum ! Back off already !" 

Leviathan slightly shoved you away from him, thankfully it didn't knock you over. This had to be the worst day of your life, or week, if things continued like this. First you'd accidentally signed up for some weird demon school, and now you were learning that it was not a joke, and that you seriously had to do this while also living with 7 demons, who all unfortunately had the faces you'd expect on an SSR level character- not a real person. 


You'd barely managed to get the words out, hoping that you didn't sound too much like you were on the verge of a breakdown (even if you really were). Leviathan's sudden outburst had made both Satan and Beelzebub look back at him for a moment, but didn't see what had caused it and decided to not question him, this was just typical Leviathan to them.  Leviathan just gave an annoyed sigh, which was as much as a response you'd get from him judging by how he'd acted so far, and the lack of acknowledgement from his brothers on this. 

As you kept trailing behind the group, they'd walk into their scheduled classes once they'd found them, which made you remember to check yours. Your first class of the day was a Devildom history, which didn't sound too bad. At least that shouldn't require a group assignment first day, probably just some note taking, or listening to a teacher ramble on for the next fifty minutes or so. 

It took a good few minutes to find the classroom on your own, but you'd managed. None of the demon brothers had the same class as you right now from the looks of it, which was both good and a nightmare to you. On one hand this meant none of them would be trying to start conversation or judging you during class, on the other hand if one of the demons in this class tried to attack or bother you, there wouldn't be anyone to defend you that you could rely on, even if you knew they'd only do it because of you being a human exchange student. 

You were sat at a table with a few demon students, who seemed to already know each other quite well. You just hoped that would keep them from talking to you during class- or at all for that matter. So far they acted like you didn't exist, which was preferred compared to almost any other outcome. Although, it just reminded you of when you still attended regular classes back in the human world. You had no friends, and were definitely not liked in the slightest. It wasn't uncommon to hear giggling or whispering from the other students when you walked past them, or feeling something hit your back or shoulder during class, just to see people laughing when you looked in the direction it was thrown from. 

Obey Me! Leviathan X GN Shut-in reader BEING REWRITTEN !!Where stories live. Discover now