Chapter 4

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Luffy had absolutely no problem with Leanna stowing away with them, he thought she was cool and wanted to bombard her with questions about the bladed feathers that grew from her wrists, but as soon as she got on board she flew to the top of the crows nest and perched there. She hadn’t had a single conversation with any of the crew members past a few words, she came down to use the bathroom and occasionally pick up food that Sanji left out for her. But, other than that she stayed perched at the top, staring out to the horizon ahead of them. By the fifth day with no interaction, Nami cornered Zoro while he was taking a nap outside on the deck.

She kicked his boot, “Hey, wake up.”

He hummed and opened his eye at her, “Why are you bothering me, woman? I’m trying to sleep.”

She placed her hands on her hips and sighed, “You need to go talk to her, she’s been up there for days it’s starting to creep me out.”

He frowned, “Make someone else do it.”

“No!” She kicked his leg again when he began to shut his eye and settle back into a nap, “You’re the one that brought her here, you’re responsible for her.”

“What am I supposed to do? If she doesn’t want to come down than she doesn’t want to come down.” He shrugged.

“Go talk to her or I’ll tell Sanji not to make you food,” She crossed her arms and walked back off to her garden where she had come from. 

Zoro grumbled to himself while standing up, he stretched shortly then made his way over to the crow’s nest, what did he care if she sat up there all day.

Leanna sat at the top of the crews nest, learning against the mast with her legs dangling down over the edge and wings relaxed at her sides. The slight breeze blew her hair and crown of feathers out of her face and ruffled the ones lining her thighs, she enjoyed the smell of salt and the cool air. She stared off into the distance lost in thought, her gold eyes watching the horizon reflected the blue from the ocean. She heard when Zoro entered into the crow’s nest, and a second later she saw him lean out of the window diagonal to her.

“Hey!” He called up to her. She tilted her head and peered down at him, “Hey, Zoro.”

“Why’re you just sitting up there? You do know that you’re allowed to come down, right?” He asked, gesturing to the floor below him.

The corner of her mouth tilted up in a small smile and she laughed lightly, “Yeah, I just don’t really know what to do with myself anymore..”

Zoro climbed out from of the window, pulling himself up onto the roof and sitting down next to her, one leg extended out in front off him with the other propped up and his arm resting against it. He looked off into the horizon as well, “What does that mean, exactly?”

She sighed, “Well, I haven’t been myself in years, Rave’s power suppressed my memories and now that I have them back…. I don’t know.” She trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence or convey to him what she was feeling in words, but he seemed to understand.

“What were you? You know, before you met them?” He asked. 

“I lived with my mother and sister in East Blue, I was a zoologist until Rave’s crew landed and he placed those cuffs on me. They made me forget everything without even realizing it, I couldn’t think clearly or even know enough to be upset with him or any of them. It feels now like they were all laughing at me the entire time.” She trailed off.

Zoro glanced at her briefly, she looked sad and confused in a way that was different to the confusion he saw in her before. She seemed completely different to the woman who was excited to present his bounty to her captain like an obedient dog.

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