Chapter 5

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The day was sunny with a gentle breeze, perfect for a long flight, which is exactly what Leanna did early that morning. She left as the sun rose, headed out in the direction the ship was headed, keeping an eye out for marine life and anything else of note. An hour into her flight, however, she glimpsed an island on the horizon, from what she could see it was massive with dense forestry and some mountains in the distance, but right past the shore line was a bright and loud city. The breeze facing here allowed the loud music and cheering to reach her even miles away from the shore.

As soon as the island was in sight she turned around, whipping her tail for the sharp turn, and headed back towards the ship. Now that she was flying against the breeze it was a little more taxing, but she pushed herself and got back to the ship in half the time it took her to fly out. She spotted Zoro on the grass lawn, dozing against the ship side, and dove towards him, tucking her wings and landing landed on the railing just over his head. Her tail swished into the front of her subconsciously and accidentally brushed the side of his head. She quickly grabbed her tail and pulled it back into her lap, nudging Zoro slightly with a wing to wake him up. He opened one eye and peered up at her as she beamed down at him.

“There’s an island ahead of us, we should reach it by tonight,” She told him. He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak when Nami who was walking by let out a squeal as she overheard. 

“Yay! I knew we were getting close! Thanks, Leanna you’re the best,” She shrieked, rushing forward to wrap her arms in a tight hug around Leanna, who let out a suspiciously bird like sound out and flapped her wings to stay perched on the railing. 

Nami let go as quickly as she hugged her and rushed off, calling out to Robin to share the exciting news with her.

Zoro laughed, looking at Leanna’s shocked expression, “Careful, you might make a friend.”

Leanna blinked her stare off and gave Zoro a playful glare, she jumped down from the railing and sat next to him, “Your crew, is very uh, excentric? They’re very different from you.” She didn’t mention that this was also why she enjoyed his presence more. The others were nice, very friendly and inclusive, but they had a high energy that overwhelmed her. 

He smiled, “You get used to them.”

“How long have you guys been together?”

Zoro hummed in thought, “Well, a few years now, but we got separated for two years a little while back, so that we could all get stronger for the new world.”

She nodded in understanding, “So where did you guys come from?” 

“All over, Luffy picked us up along the way,” He folded his hands behind his head, slightly bumping her wing with his elbow. She itched absentmindedly at the bandage over her thigh that made her feathers uncomfortable, she ran a finger along under it, tugging at the itchy stitches.

“Don’t let Chopper catch you doing that,” Zoro chuckled.

“How come?”

“He doesn’t like when people mess with their bandages, but I do it anyways.”

She smiled, getting up to stretch. She lifted her arms high over he head and bent back, flexing her wings out, the joint in one popping loudly and catching Zoro’s attention. 

“I think I’m going to go back out, finish my flight,” She said. She raised an eyebrow when she noticed Zoro’s smirk after having looked over her shoulder and opened her mouth to question him when Nami called her name. 

“Hey, Leanna! Come with me real quick,” Nami waved to her from the doorway into the ship, based off of her observations this last week, this was into the dormitories. She waved goodbye to Zoro and followed Nami into the ship.

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