Chapter 3

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Snuggling her head further into the warmth in front of her, Haerin had never slept so well before. She rustled around a little bit before finding a comfy spot, tightly hugging her plushy. Moving her legs further to the side before she felt a sharp pain in her lower regions.

What the fuck.

Haerin's once shut eyes hurriedly opened, being faced with a brown hoodie in front of her. Looking up she saw the one and only Minji. In an instant she attempted to get out of her grip, not before the sharp pain started once again. Looking down at her clothes which she realised weren't hers, she couldn't think of anything but questions. Why is she next to a sleeping Minji, which somehow still hasn't woken up? Why isn't she wearing what she was last night? Why isn't she home? Why isn't she at school?

Haerin's eyes darted around the room with a throbbing headache, looking for a clue to why she was here. Looking at the baby blue walls, Minji's wardrobe with a picture of Minji and her family on it, Minji's room was quite cute. Not before panicking again, afterall she was literally in her crushes room. Haerin began to recall her memory from the night before. Getting picked up by Niki, seeing Hanni and Danielle together. She laughed to herself at the memory, who thought Hanni would be getting some bitches. Playing beer pong with Niki, drinking, smoking some weed, drinking some more, smoking some more weed and soft lips. Being in a kitchen, crashing against Minji's lips. Minji!? Absolutely fucking not. Minji was going to go ballistic, Haerin needed to get out of here before she could. Minji didn't take photos of her, right? Surely Minji wouldn't snoop that low and take advantage of her when she was under the influence.

Untangling herself from Minji's grip only to feel the sharp pain below intensify. She skimmed the room once again, snatching her phone from the bedside table, it really being the only thing she brought. The pain between her legs wouldn't get any better as she continued to limp to the door.

"Haerin? Are you still there?" Minji's soft voice sounded through the room, "Come back please, it's cold without you."

Haerin was just at the door, yet she couldn't seem to let this opportunity pass. Was it really worth it? What would happen after? Looking at Minji huddled in bed in a hoodie and boxers, she really just looked too comfortable. Haerin couldn't leave her all lonely and cold just like that, she was sore and her headache felt like it would never stop anyways.

Slowly climbing back into Minji's welcoming arms, Haerin really wondered what would change after this. Would Minji still be mean to her? They gave each other their first. They both had boyfriends. Wait. Haerin literally got a boyfriend basically yesterday.

Though before Haerin could go any further with her panicking, Minji began to hug her tighter. Minji's muscular arms engulfed Haerin in something she never wanted to get out of. Haerin decided to just let herself live the moment, and figure everything out later.


"Haerin, get up," Minji softly coos at Haerin, not wanting to wake Haerin up because of how cute she looks sleeping, "Your phone has been ringing."

"Oh, thank you," Haerin replied, in a raspy voice after waking up.

Staring down at her phone she saw numerous texts from her friends. Niki asking her where she disappeared to, Hanni and Hyein complaining about her not being at school and most importantly her parents.

Her parents are definitely pissed off. Not only did she not come home before her curfew, but she didn't come home at all. Haerin knew the only way out of this is if she convinced her friends to tell her parents that she slept over, getting them to tell her parents that she was in such a deep slumber it would be rude to wake her up; but how would she explain to them where she was. She didn't want them to know she just lost her first to the girl that had been bullying her since year 7. She sighed before ringing Hanni.

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