Chapter 5

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TW: slurs

"What the hell Minji? He's literally my boyfriend and you literally hate me," Haerin quietly said through her clenched teeth, she wasn't trying to bring any attention to what was happening.

"Would your boyfriend want to know that I get to have my way with you?" Minji said, she didn't know what she was saying. Seeing Haerin go anywhere near Niki gave her a horrid feeling in her chest. It was almost painful, the feeling making her do things she would never do out of spite.

"Y-you don't get to say that. How would the school like it if they found out about your dick? Is that why you and Jake broke up?" Haerin huffed out, seeing as Minji faltered at her last sentence. Before she never spoke back to Minji, yet with whatever happening, a new surge of confidence had formed within her.

"Shut up Haerin. Why can't you just listen to me like you always do," Minji quietly said, maybe Haerin would tell the whole school her secret.

"It's different now Minji, you can't stop me from seeing my own fucking boyfriend," Haerin huffed out, frustrated with Minji but she did always end up listening to Minji after all, "Fine! I won't go to him. I want to be alone."

Minji watched as Haerin harshly pulled her arm away, stomping as she walked away. Minji didn't know where she was going but she couldn't find the strength to follow her. Minji's been frustrated the whole day, too dense to even know what it was. Her anger issues seem to be through the roof and the only person she can think about is Haerin. Her blonde hair, catlike eyes, her soft pink lips, the way she feels so small underneath Minji, how her waist perfectly fits in her hands and how she easily gives in to Minji. She shouldn't be feeling like this, she put her crush aside long ago. She was meant to hate Haerin, she needs to hate Haerin. The girl hated her, she would probably rather jump off a bridge than date Minji.

Sitting under the tree, metres away from Danielle and Hanni having their own sweet moments. She was happy for them, proud of them for how brave they were in this school. Seeing how homosexuality was frowned upon in their grade, the group of gay kids which got made fun of everyday, by her own friend group. Imagine how they would react if they found out Minji had a dick, at least it was bigger than their boyfriends. Minji laughed to herself, thinking about what would happen if they found out Minji was a girl kisser, the insults and maybe even actual assault. The girls were already mad at her for breaking up with Jake, watching as she just broke the little popular boy's heart. Yet Minji wishes for something like Danielle and Hanni, she wants to be able to hold Haerin's hands, kiss her in public and claim her as her own.


No one really knew about their relationship as they hadn't told many aside from Haerin and herself. Yet she was sure they found out about it already, since they were literally making out, she was sure they would drop Danielle and potentially even her. Shit, she was sitting with them right now, she should probably go back to her friend group if she feels like still having a social life.

Abruptly standing up, Minji waddled her way slowly to the popular group's spot. A long table which they forced someone to move under the shade in year 7, and has been their spot ever since. Her usual spot next to Jake was taken by some other girl, Minji didn't remember her name but she was sure she had a crush on Jake. She sat down next to her next best choice, Yunjin. She was honestly the nicest girl there, Minji didn't even know what she was doing here. The group was a bit awkward with Minji and Jake's breakup, as Jake did seem a bit pissy that he was the one broken up with. Though everyone on the table went back to their usual talks seconds after Minji sat down, watching as everyone shit talked about anyone.

"Hey Minji! Saw Danielle is a fag now, no?" Niki sounded from across the table, after realising Haerin was not going to be with him during lunch and he didn't want to be a loner.

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