Chapter 4

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T/W: slur, smut

After Haerin left Minji paced around in her room, thinking about the night before. She lost her first to Haerin. Kang Haerin; the girl she hates, the one she can't stand. Even worse, Kang Haerin knew her biggest secret. She could use this against her now, even with their deal. Would Haerin make fun of her and turn everyone at school against her? Haerin wasn't like that, she wasn't like Minji.

She couldn't lie to herself though. She wanted more of Haerin. She was hooked now, she couldn't help herself. Fantasising about what they could do together, their size difference and the way Haerin succumbed to Minji's touch so easily. Minji could feel all her morals and self dignity slipping away from her in seconds at the thought of Haerin, stupid horny thoughts overriding her brain. She wasn't like this before Haerin, she never would've thought she would end up like those boys at school. She couldn't help it, watching as her length hardened up simply at the thought of her.

"Minji! Minji! You have no fucking idea what happened last night!" Danielle barged in only to see Minji's shocked face with her hands in her boxers, "AHRHSFH! SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO COME AT THE WRONG TIME!"

Pulling her hand out of her pants, Minji jumped up to defend herself, "NO! IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR! I WAS JUST FIXING MY BOXERS BECAUSE THEY SAT WEIRDLY!"

"Sure, I can literally see your hard on," Danielle deadpanned suddenly, feeling betrayed at her best friend's need to lie.

"Okay! Fine! Whatever, what do you want?" Minji grumbled.

"Hanni and I are dating!" Danielle exclaimed in excitement. Having a crush on the Vietnamese girl since year 9, Danielle was ecstatic to say the least. Her crush was also the reason Minji continuously bullied Haerin believe it or not, according to Danielle it gave her a very needed connection to Hanni. Who knew the bubbly, nice girl was the one supporting Minji's bully behaviour.

Minji had let go of whatever happened in year 7 by year 9, though she still hated Haerin. Every time she saw her she had this indescribable feeling, which she believed was pure hatred. Kim Minji is not dumb and she never will be. If anything Minji actually had a slight crush on Haerin in year 7, going to ask for help as a conversation starter. And well, we all know how that ended.

"Hello? Are you there?" Danielle asked, shaking Minji's shoulders watching as the girl had been spacing out for a good 30 seconds after she relayed the news.

"Oh! Yeah, well congrats," Minji blurted out, clearly still thinking.

"Well, you don't gotta be all sarcastic with it. Though I was thinking we could hang out with Hanni and her friends during recess and lunch now, you know rather than those white kids," Danielle felt a little hurt by her friend, as Minji didn't seem to be very excited for her.

"Dani, are you stupid? Hanni is friends with Haerin! Fuck sakes! I can't be sitting at lunch with my 'sworn enemy,' do you know how stupid that would make me look!" Minji protested, as if Danielle threw a bucket of water on her, "Plus my boyfriend sits at that table! Can't they just sit with us instead, I mean Haerin's dating Niki or whatever now."

Danielle sat in thought, watching as her friend's face turned sour with the last sentence. "Well, I could ask but I don't think they would want to sit on our table. I mean you can stay but I'm definitely going with Hanni and all. I've had enough of those fake bitches, they talk shit about everyone they see, plus all the girls are jealous of you anyways," Danielle said, coming to a conclusion.

"Whatever, let's just see whatever happens tomorrow," Minji replied, feeling tired, "Can you go home now? It's like 7pm, you gotta wake up bright and early to see your little girlfriend tomorrow."

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