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Every high school consists of all the same things. So when my mom told me I was going to another new high school I was fine. I knew what to expect.

"Dakota the bus is here!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

I trudged downstairs. I didn't want to go, nor did I need to. I had all my credits, but my mother wouldn't let me graduate early. She said I needed the "social experience."

I boarded the smelly bus and everyone's eyes directed towards me, none of them welcoming. I ignored them and continued. As I got towards the back someone suddenly grabbed my arm, dragging me into the seat with them.

"What the-" I gasp.

"You were taking too long to sit down" she said. "The bus was going to start and you would've went face first."

I looked down at her hand that had perfectly manicured nails. Her hand was still gripping my arm tightly. She didn't notice, so I looked at my arm then to her eyes.

"Sorry," she said as she quickly released my arm. Her face turned red while she turned away from me and gazed out the window.

An awkward silence came over us. I finally gave in with a sigh, "I'm Dakota."

"I'm Reilly," she said surprised, she didn't think I was going to say anything. She was clearly happy I wasn't judging her. "What's you first class?"

"Uh... I think it's Health."

"Same here!" Reilly squealed as we got up to get off the bus. Damn this girl was hyper for being so early in the morning.


I slowly walked down the halls, taking mental notes of where everything was. I looked down at the schedule sheet the principal gave me. Riley had left me to hang out with her friends so I had no one to guide me.

"Fuck," I sighed, skimming over the numbers above the doors. The halls slowly became empty as everyone filtered into their classes.

I finally stopped and looked at my surroundings, trying to match up them up with the numbers on the schedule.

Of course the stupid schedule didn't help what so ever. I finally gave up on it and decided to wander the halls, looking for someone to help me.

I saw a tall boy heading down the hall, taking his time. Maybe he could help.

I finally caught up to him. "Could you help me?"

"With what?" He said smirking, looking down at me with hazel eyes.

"Finding my class."

"Hm... Maybe," he said a smirk still evident on his face. He turned on his heels, walking fast. Not even asking what class.

I had to practically run to keep up with him. As we turned a corner and I saw the Health class. I started to go in but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. He kept walking, dragging me behind him to the back doors of the school.

"Uh. Where are we-"


"Okay, but I don't know where-"

"Would you be quiet, do want a detention?" He whisper shouted. I scoffed.

"No... I just want-"

"Too bad, you two now have a detention," a voice spoke from behind us. The boy sighed and turned around whispering a few swears. We faced the livid principal.

"I'm so sorry, I-"

"I don't care, just get to class," he said staring us down.

The tall curly haired idiot and I walked down the hall way. His face was red. "Good job," he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I just looked down at my feet, wanting to get to class. He veered off in another direction towards his class, and I went to mine. Hopefully not having to see each other again.


"Why were you so late for class?" Reilly asked as I bit into an apple. I shook my head, not wanting to think or talk about it. I can't believe I got detention already, on the first day. Actually for the first time.

"It's stupid," I finally replied, Reilly just nodded her head and started to eat. I felt kind of bad for giving her short answers, but I just want to calm down and forget about it.

Everything became awkward between Reilly and I, and I didn't want to deal with that. So I got up to find my next class.

I pushed through the swinging doors, but I was stopped when I collided with a body.

"What the fuçk," the figure grunted. I started to say sorry until I saw that it was the curly haired jerk.

"Are you like following me or some shit?"

"Why would I do that?" I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"To say sorry for getting me in detention," he said with a straight face. I scoffed.

"Excuse me? You were the one dragging me to only God knows where," I said as I glared at him, wishing he'd burst into flames.

"We would've been fine if you didn't keep talking." He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring back at me.

I shook my head, walking off. What an ignorant jerk.


I was so excited to leave school, but then I remembered detention. The place where I waste a good hour of my life.

I opened the doors to the library and saw the devil himself already sorting books. I sighed and plopped my bag down and walked over to him to help. He look down at me, I looked up at him, not uttering a single word.

All I could here was the taping of fingers on a keyboard, shuffling of books, and the occasional sigh from my detention buddy. The silence was killing me. I couldn't take it.

"You know what I'm sorry. I'm sorry this happened. I just didn't know where you were talking. Jesus! I don't even know your name!" I blurted out. He looked down at me surprised.



"My name is Ashton," he sighed.

Then everything was silent again.


First part done! Finally!

Comment and vote please :)

Love you to the moon and back~ Morgan

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