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I threw my bag down next to my bed and plopped down on my bed, stuffing my head in my pillow. I wanted to scream.

"Dakota!" My mother yelled from down stairs. "Dakota are you home?"

I sighed and ignored her. I just wanted to be alone. But of course that wasn't going to happen.

My mother burst through my door. "Dakota, why didn't you answer me? Why did you get home so late?"

Out of all the times in my life I wanted to talk to her and she chooses now. After all the times when I felt like sharing my feelings or my life with her and she'd push me away.

"Detention," I replied into my pillow.

"Detention!" She boomed. "What on earth! Were you with a boy? Oh my god were you smoking?"

I glared at her. "No mom I wasn't smoking, why would you even think that?"

She looked down at her feet. I instantly felt bad, but why would I slowly kill myself with toxins. Those cancer sticks have caused enough pain in our lives. I'm not willing to do it again, with me being the victim.

"I know you wouldn't sweetie. I'm sorry. There's dinner down stairs waiting for you," she gave my a sympathetic smile. I nodded and smiled so she'd leave.

The second she closed my door I thought about how I'd like my life to be different.

How great it'd be if I didn't have to
move so much? If I actually could feel secure, always knowing where I'd be in a week. Not having to constantly worry about being evicted and having money.

I just want something in my life to be stable. Something to keep me going and hold me up.

I cope with it though. I limit my pain by not getting attached. Everything in my life is temporary.


Finding health class was easier. Since I actually knew where it was and Ashton wasn't leading me off to an unknown place.

I sat down at the same table as Reilly. I sighed and put my feet up on the chair next to me. I put my earphones in, closing my eyes. I sighed in content.

I started thinking about Ashton and how much it would suck if he were in this class. I don't need him constantly making sarcastic comments and blaming me for everything. He's good looking but his personality is such a turn-off.

I wish he wasn't such a pushy person. Then maybe I could be with him. But he only thinks about himself and that's about it. He doesn't care about anyone.

My eyes shot open as someone pulled the chair out from under my feet. I took out my headphones quickly. I looked up and glared, almost choking. Ashton.

He smile at me innocently as he sat down. I was about to make a comment but just then Mrs. Fielding came in. Ashton turned sideways in his seat as I burned holes into the back of his head.

"Okay, since all over you are actually all here now," she said eyeing Ashton and I, "we can actually start the project."

People chuckled around us, a few girls shot me the evil eye. First week of school and people already hate me for being associated with Ashton. All I wanted to do was have a calm experience for the short amount of time that I am here.

She passed out papers, showing topics we could use for the project. It was about harmful substances and what the effect does on your body. I scanned the paper, already trying to think of what I could do for the project.

"You are going to have a parter for this. Just to make it easy, anyone to your left is your partner."

I smiled at Reilly, relived I didn't get Ashton. He got Michael Clifford, which he didn't seem to happy about. Even  though they are friends.

We decided to do the project on smoking. As we discussed how we could show the effects of the toxins in the body, Mrs. Fielding came up to us.

She smiled at us sweetly. "Reilly, I'm going have you work with Michael. When ever Ashton and him work together they tend to slack off."

I looked over at Reilly and she shrugged at me. "Then who will I be with?" I asked.


My eyes instantly widened and I could hear Ashton chuckle. I shot him a glare, which just made him laugh more, as did Michael.

"Will that be okay?" She said looking from me to Ashton. I nodded slightly and crossed my arms over my chest. He smiled and moved his chair closer to mine.

"So, for the project, we could-" Ashton started, but just then the bell rang.

I got up as fast as I could, trying to avoid talking to him. But one can not simply avoid Ashton.

He grabbed my hand as I started to walk down the hall. It reminded me of how we got detention. This time I had butterflies though.

"Do want to come to my place tonight?"

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe he asked me that. My face turned red, and I got more butterflies. I wanted to take my hand away but I couldn't.

"I mean to work on the project," he quickly said, noticing his mistake. It was kinda cute. His face changed to a slight red color, still not quite matching mine.

I smiled at him as he still held my hand. "Sure, I'll meet you in the parking lot."

Ashton smiled, letting go of my hand as he quickly walked to his next class. I couldn't help but miss his hand in mine.

I almost laughed at my silly thought. I couldn't have feeling for someone like him. He's so selfish and such a player. Plus I move too much, it would never work.

This was going to be a long project.


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Love you to the moon and back~ Morgan

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