9 2 1

I shivered and pulled the soft covers over me more. I tired falling back to sleep but my throbbing head and stomach wouldn't allow me to. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up. I looked around the room and noticed I wasn't in my own room.

I sat up quickly, which was a horrible idea. I groaned as a shooting pain went through my head. I massaged my temples to relieve some of the pain. Once it subsided I got up to find Advil.

"Where are you going?" A raspy voice said as I got to the door. I turned and saw Ashton staring at me with tired eyes. My heart leaped, my mind instantly jumping to conclusions.

"Did we, uh?" I said nervously as I subconsciously played with my nails. I didn't know what to do. I don't even remember doing it, if we did. Which sucks because if we did I'd want to remember it.

Ashton shook his head, almost laughing at my nervousness. "I wouldn't take advantage of you," his voice sounded slightly offended.

I nodded my head slowly and looked at the floor. I should've known he wouldn't, he didn't seem like the person to do so. It then became unbearably awkward.

"I'm going to get some Advil," I said wanting to get out of the room. I walked half way down the hall before I realized I didn't know where I was going or where anything was.

I peeked my head back into the room and saw Ashton typing away on his phone. "I have no idea where anything is," I said quietly, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Ashton shook his head and laughed, making my cheeks turn pink. He opened up a drawer next to the bed and threw me the bottle of Advil. I dry swallowed the pill just to save time and not have to bother him for water.

"Would you like to go to breakfast?" Ashton asked as he threw on a grey shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his back muscles as they flexed. He turned around and I quickly advert my eyes to the floor.

"Sure, yeah that sounds good," I reply back trying to be cool about it but I couldn't as he smirked at me, knowing I looked at him.

I followed him downstairs, weaving passed people lying on the ground and stepping over plastic cups. The smell of smoke and alcohol wafted throughout the house, making me even more sick to my stomach.

As I got in the car I saw my reflection in the side view mirror. My hair was tangled together like a nest, my make up was smudged, and I was wearing baggy clothes. I assumed they were Ashtons, I just don't know how they got on me, I don't remember putting them on.

"I can't go out like this," I said to Ashton as he started the car. He looked over at me a shrugged.

"Ashton, turn around please. I can't go out in public like this," I wasn't the most fashionable person, nor did I really care what people thought about me, but this was too far.

"You look fine," he answered, his eyes on the road. I scoffed.

"Do you see this shirt? It's so baggy, I look like a trash bag! My make up is everywhere and my hair is a mess!"

"Hey, that's my favorite shirt!" He said pointing to the black Led Zeppelin shirt I had on. I bet it looked great on him, but on me it didn't, since I'm so small.

"Sorry, but I don't look good in it at all," I huffed and crossed my arms, feeling insecure.

"You look beautiful. Now stop complaining," he said taking his eyes off the road to look at me. I gave him a small smile in return. I decided to give up, knowing he wouldn't turn around.

I turned to the window, trying to calm my hair down by brushing it with my fingers.


We pulled into the parking lot of a 50's styled diner. I was in awe by it shiny siding and neon lights that were still glowing in the morning light.

Ashton didn't bother opening the door for me, he just got out and headed towards the doors of the diner. I had to speed walked to catch up with him.

I sat down across from him in the red booth. He was already looking at the menu, not even giving me a glance. I sighed and started to skim over the items too.

"I can take your order now, if you're ready," the waitress asked. She wore a short black skirt and a red shirt with the restaurant logo on it. Which in my opinion was a little too tight, making her chest look large.

Ashton nodded and she gave him a flirtatious smile, completely ignoring me. "I'll have two pancakes, bacon, and orange juice," I said breaking up their flirting session.

She shot me a small glare before writing down my order. She looked at Ashton, waiting for his order. "I'll have the same." She nodded, scribbling down his order before swaying her hips as she walked off. I rolled my eyes at her act of trying to seduce Ashton.

We just sat in silence, taking in our surroundings. Neither of us knowing what to talk about. It upset me how one minute he was talking to me, but in public it was completely different. The thought made me feel insecure.

The waitress swayed over to us with two plates of pancakes. She gave Ashton a sweet smile and gently set his plate in front of him, leaning down
more than needed so Ashton could see down her shirt. She turned to me with my plate of pancakes, she gave me a small glare and placed the plate on the table so fast that the food almost slipped off.

She turned around quickly before I could say anything, her hips swaying back and forth. I scoffed and looked at the plate of food, ignoring her.

"Jealous?" Ashton smirked.

I looked at him like he was crazy. But he was far from it. I was absolutely jealous. Anyone could see that.

"Why would I be jealous of her?" I asked, looking him in the eye.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I meant the fact that I got more pancakes then you. I already assumed you were jealous of her," he winked at me.

I stared at him, astonished. I looked down at my plate and then his. He had gotten two more pancakes then me. He totally tricked me into saying I was jealous. Well played, Irwin.

"Don't worry about it though, shes a six and you're a ten."


I went to a 5sos concert on 9/5 and some one had a "we heart RJ" sign. It was amazing. There's a picture of it in the beginning of the chapter. :)

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Love you to the moon and back~ Morgan

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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