𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆, cant keep my hands to myself

90 11 4

he couldn't wrap his mind around it. hoffman sat in restless curiosity just waiting for a swat team to break down his door and arrest him. the questions were slowly starting to eat at him from the inside out. why would strahm lie to save his sorry ass?

strahm made it clear daily that he hated hoffman with a burning passion. whether it was an annoyed side eye or the occasional snappy attitude, he did so one way or another to show how little fucks he gave. hoffman paced around, no one else knew this secret he'd been trying so hard to keep quiet, no one else but strahm.

he cooked up an abundance of ways to keep him quiet, none of which sounded right. some small part of him refused the idea of endless torture to keep strahm from yapping. which happened to be the only surefire way to keep him on a short leash. hoffman let out a short-winded sigh, figuring he should stop thinking before his mind explodes.

his tracks came to a sturdy halt having only one option left. he grabbed the nearby car keys from the counter and slammed his front door shut. strahm had just arrived home after long hours of being interrogated like a convicted criminal. he hung up his blazer before making his way over to the couch to relax after a few endless days of working and whatnot, only to hear a loud pounding noise from his door. as soon as the doorway was opened in stormed the last person he was expecting to see at this hour.

"we need to talk." hoffman says, kindly making himself at home inside strahm's apartment. "well good evening to you too detective." he says with a tint of annoyance.

once the door creaked shut hoffman let out a sigh, "why did you do it.. you didn't have to lie for my sake.." his words were as sincere as he could muster up. knowing if this somehow got out, strahm would be marked as an accomplice and be sentenced to the same fate as his own.

the agent cracked a grin at the puzzled detective. leaning against the wall with his arms snug over his chest. "i'm sorry what was that? i'm still a little woozy from the gas, i don't think i heard you right."

a thank you would've been enough. strahm taunted by cupping his ear and waiting for those sweet words. hoffman on the other hand wasn't in the mood for some senseless child's play. he wanted answers.

"cut the crap," he growled, bearing his teeth at the man who saved his life. and of course, strahm didn't take too kindly to that gesture. "look asshole, if i wouldn't have lied to save your sorry ass you would be facing the electric chair and i would have been in deep shit." realizing after those words left his mouth that he had said far too much. strahm bit his tongue to keep any more words from leaving his sealed lips.

hoffman just shook his head, "as the man who stopped the jigsaw murders, i find that hard to believe. look i don't need your pity alright." he said while slumping down on his uninviting partner's couch.

things between them started changing the moment agent strahm found out about his murdered sister, what else was he supposed to think but pity. strahm took this opportunity to sit next to hoffman.

"i don't pity you, detective, you're strong enough to get by without my help. it's admirable really." his words were nothing but sincere, he truly believed that hoffman was somewhat of a motivator. throughout their short time working together, the bitter rivalry between them kept strahm on his toes. which in the end paid off.

the eye contact between them was held for a few seconds too long. there was a thud in the detective's heart, strahm had found a way to puppeteer his heartstrings. making them dance without even knowing it. the feeling was warm and uncomfortable, he hadn't felt this way about anyone in a long time.

that realization scared him. having no more questions that needed immediate answers, hoffman stood from the couch and started for the door.

"you're leaving already? you just got here." strahm says, the weight of his words surprising even himself. only now realizing that he was actually enjoying the detective's company for a change.

"you're welcome to stay." he invited, not knowing where this sudden display of fondness was coming from. hoffman cleared his throat and stood before the doorway. "thanks, but i must be going." he answered plainly, not giving it much thought.

strahm felt rejected like his offer meant little to nothing with the hasty response it got. apart of him couldn't stand to be turned down so fast. before hoffman reached for the knob, strahm managed to swallow his pride for a moment.

"would you like to grab a drink with me sometime? how about tomorrow, after hours of course." strahm blurted out. he wanted to get to know hoffman, seeing this as a second chance to rekindle their dwindling partnership. with this burden the agent carried on his shoulders, the least he could do was grab a drink.

"alright, i'll take you up on that offer," he said with a weak grin. they wished each other a farewell which was more awkward than ever. strahm slammed his door before smacking himself on the forehead. "stupid." strahm murmured into the air. he should be trying to pull away from hoffman by putting distance between them. but instead, he kept drawing him in.

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, coffinshipping Where stories live. Discover now