𝒕𝒆𝒏, i wanna ruin our friendship

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• warning smut chapter •

back at his apartment, strahm paced around the hardwood floors with a conflicted look etched onto his face. there was no doubt in his mind that he'd single-handedly fucked everything over between him and the detective. even considering the idea of turning hoffman in, after all this time it would surely lend him in some sort of trouble as well for gatekeeping crucial information.

the thoughts became looped in an endless cycle of torment till a sudden knock on his door put a stop to the madness. strahm sighed and opened the door, unbothered to check the peephole beforehand.

outside stood a man holding in one hand the agent's white dress shirt from the previous night spent at his house. strahm considered slamming the door, but then he wouldn't get his shirt back.

"may i come in?" hoffman asks, offering the piece of fabric as a truce between them. reluctantly strahm answered, "..sure."

he opened the door wide enough for the detective to walk past and into the apartment. for the first couple minutes, they talked about the new case like everything was fine between them, gradually moving the conversation over to the couch where the television blared some kind of news channel.

through the awkward waves of silence came at the expense of the new breaking news alert, strahm found himself reflecting. thinking about what the last couple of days have entailed for their relationship. and as much as a prick hoffman was, he deserves an explanation.

strahm tapped his finger anxiously on his leg, trying to swallow his pride and admit what he did was wrong. something he never would've imagined he'd be saying to anyone, let alone someone as arrogant as hoffman. strahm took a sharp inhale and allowed the words free pass from his lips.

"and i apologize.. for my behavior the other morning, it was a shitty spur-the-moment thing and meant nothing but i-" his thoughts cut off instantly with a sudden tug on the tie wrapped loosely around his collar.

that was the first time strahm felt actual butterflies flapping around the inside of his stomach from something as insignificant as a kiss. his lips were consumed in this cloud-like softness. the small gesture felt heavenly, even if it only lasted a couple seconds.

so heart-stuck he couldn't get his eyes to open once their lips departed. once the lingering feeling faded with time the agent gradually allowed for his eyes to flutter open, wondering why he stopped. "is this alright peter?" hoffman usually refrained from calling the agent by his first name, but in this heated moment, it just felt right.

the heavy eye contact, parted lips in need of something to fill the emptiness, and the small puffs for air sent the lighthearted atmosphere into a spiral. no longer were they just two people who worked together without any prior relations. in a moment everything changed. "fuck yes."

strahm didn't waste a second more, slamming their lips together while caressing the other's cheeks with the palms of his hands. kissing him like he was drowning and hoffman was the only source of air. all the worries and problems of the world flew out the open window. in that moment nothing else seemed to matter. it became apparent this was more than just a one-sided high school crush, this was way more.

the innocent butterfly kisses were soon replaced with lusting lips. the embers began to spark as strahm shrugged the blazer from his shoulders, prompting hoffman to do the same. strahm ran his fingertips down the detective's neck before fiddling with the buttons keeping his shirt snug to his body.

in between the huffs brought on by the quietness of the room, strahm made his intentions clear. letting his hands part way to the detective's now unbuttoned shirt. he mouthed a silent curse before pulling off his shirt and discarding it somewhere on the living room floor. "how long have you-"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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