𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, the naked truth

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no touching, first rule and only implemented between them. strahm made sure to have clear boundaries in place, even though his touch-starved mind was so desperate to be felt up. he'd also made it blatantly clear this interaction was nothing more than purely a way to save time and water.

however, that couldn't be farther from the truth. if strahm learned anything about hoffman from their time working together, he knew the detective never played by the rules. and for the first time, it was something he looked forward to.

hoffman, who seemed to be off in his own little world as small pelts of liquid splattered down on his bare chest, was deep in thought. thinking about the nude man standing less than a yard away.

his fingers carded through his dampened charcoal hair with ease. both knew deep down this was more than what it seemed, more than just an innocent way to save a high water bill, it was intimate. with suds flying around the steamy shower, both made it a point not to look at each other to avoid unwanted eye contact.

hoffman hogged the waterfall of small droplets, letting each individual one drop onto his skin to wash away his once lathered-up body. with his back to strahm, the other man couldn't resist the temptation of sneaking short involuntary glances.

he had never seen hoffman naked, and after the water stopped running he would never see him this exposed again. so he took in the mental image till he realized he was staring a little too much. he let his unholy thoughts slip to the possibility of them being intimate just for a moment when all hell broke loose.

a sudden surge of panic flooded his mind. the agent bit onto his lower lip, trying to distract himself blood rushing to a lower part of his body. it became hard to hide the distasteful thoughts when they were both so vulnerable with one another. as much as strahm tried desperately to rid his mind of the impure intentions, the things between his legs had a different agenda.

his canines sunk into his lip hard enough to puncture the skin, making a small amount of blood flood onto his taste buds. he uttered a sole curse under his breath that had been swept away by the pitter-patter of the shower head. strahm's gaze landed back on the detective, still washing the soaps from his hair. knowing what he wanted to do, but didn't have the balls to go through with.

now having no control of the thoughts clouding his mind with lust, he watched the water droplets roll down hoffman's frame. wishing that his hands could do the same, running down the other's body with ease. he wanted to touch him, feel his body stutter under his fingertips. the weight of the dirty images made strahm unhook his teeth from his lip. watching as the detective turned around sent a moment of fright coursing through him.

there was no way of hiding it and no way to explain. for the first time in forever, he let go of the reins binding himself together. even though he knew this was going to turn out as an awful idea, his rational thoughts were wrapped up in lewd intentions.

he kissed him.

acting out his most desired fantasies wasn't what he planned on doing this morning. the aggression that followed caused him to slam hoffman's body against the steamy glass of the shower, resulting in a sharp wince from the detective.

so caught up in the moment, feeling what hoffman's lips felt like pressed against his own was freeing. no longer holding back he was able to let go. strahm placed his hand on the back of hoffman's neck to deepen the thrilling sensation before inevitably pulling away when oxygen became scarce.

strahm huffed for air, seeing the shock in the detective's eyes. only then did he realize the full weight of what he'd done? he kissed his co-worker, his partner, and his lifelong enemy. he kissed him without a second thought.

the moment was consumed in short breaths and the sha of water dropping against the shower floor. strahm pulled his arm from behind the other nape. he whispered a somewhat sincere apology before taking his leave, quickly dressing before hurrying out the door. when the door slammed shut hoffman knew how stupid he must've looked, still wide-eyed and kiss happy.

he had trouble processing what happened with his fingers lightly grazing over his lips. imitating the lingering sensation of the kiss that seemed to slowly fade away.

for a moment he stood there in the prolonged silence of the shower till it was too much to bear. a curse slipped from his lips, he should've said something to keep him from leaving, anything at all. the sharp sting of guilt set in even knowing that the other man wouldn't be returning anytime soon.

pointless what if's questions seemed endless and continued to rile up a storm in his mind. wondering what would've happened if he hadn't frozen up and if he actually asked him to stay for a little while longer. as silly as it sounded, he wanted strahm to come back through the door and continue where he left off.

even when he knew that was nothing more than a stupid fantasy clinging to his mind. admittedly some part of him enjoyed the kiss. the roughness of it all was invigorating, sending moths fluttering in his stomach the moment his back hit the glass. the feeling left a bitter-sweet taste on his tongue.

this tower of glass they'd built up from these past weeks of them bonding over drinks and whatnot, seemed to shatter the moment the front door slammed shut. hoffman turned off the shower, he wiped his clean self dry but for some reason, he still felt dirty. wrapping the towel snuggly around his waist he wondered what could've been if he just said yes.

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