𝟎𝟓.𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬

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SOFIA AND TOM'S MANAGERS DIDN'T LIKE THAT THEY RUSHED INTO FAKE RELATIONSHIPS. When they told them that it had to start with a friendship, they meant for them to post funny videos or photos together, go out for a walk together. To let the world know they were just friends "for now" as their managers said. Sofia was forced to deny the kiss between her and Tom, even though they thought it was better for the publicity.

Addison had sent an email to both her and Tom, with a schedule when they had to post or do something together outside filming the movie.

Sofia decided to act nice around Tom, for her own sake and the movies sake. She wanted this to be a good experience, something she'll remember for the rest of her life. She felt the tension on set this week. The chemistry that was supposed to be there, was gone. Tom was definitely surprised when Sofia didn't respond to some of his comments. It bothered him that she didn't take notice of him anymore. Maybe it's better to be a little nicer- he thought.

The tension was gone at set today. So filming today was gonna be a hell lot better than before. The scenes of today were, the one where Snow falls into the zoo cage with Lucy, and him bringing the food to her after he leaves the cage.

The set was actually outside in an old park with a big cage in the middle of it. The weather was sunny but the temperature felt like autumn, so the sun didn't do much for temperature change.

"Sofia and Tom, are you ready for the "fall" out of the truck into the cage?" Francis asked the actors. They both didn't know what to expect, the two were locked with a rope around their waist, and there was a ladder. "Sofia, when you fall grab his hand okay?" She nodded.


The doors of the fake truck opened behind them, and people in the back rolled out of the truck into the cage. Tom held tight to something, while Sofia was screaming, with a white rose in her hand. He let go after a couple seconds letting the two go down as smooth as possible. Sofia already had her arm around his waist, but grabbed his hand midway going down. They rolled down the "Stones" and fell down next to each other.

"Cut! Let's go to the next scene please."

Everyone got up when action was called again. They first filmed lucky flickerman's part, and then changed the angle to Tom. His blonde hair was messy and he looked confused. Sofia was surprised his wig was still on after that slide. She was happy her own wig was still on.

"Own it." I grabbed Tom tightly by his arm and looked up to him.

"Lucy Gray Baird, may I introduce you to my neighbours?" He asked her, Sofia gave him a nod.  Tom grabbed the rose and snapped the end off, but not succeeding, making Sofia laugh.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒- tom blythWhere stories live. Discover now