Scunthrope (1)

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TW: Sexism


They hid our things (including weapons) in a tree, and we started to walk to the town. As I was told, I kept my head down, eyeing Trix and Gwen, following their lead. I did notice men giving us disgusted looks or kick dirt at us, but I didn't say anything, didn't do anything. A few even spat at us, but I ignored it.

        And as I guessed, the roads were gravel. Horses and people stomped through the village. Some with younger children, some with teenagers. Most of the walking people, I noticed, were men. Women were probably shut up in their houses, cooking, or cleaning. We eventually entered a shop with a male merchant at the counter. He was talking to another woman in front of us.

         "Look, I don't care if you're 'with child.'" He used air quotes. "Leave my goddamn bathhouse or I will drag you out myself."

         The woman nodded and scurried out the door. Gwen stepped up to the counter. "Bath for three."

         As she spoke, a man was walking past us, toward the door. The merchant smiled at him. "Come back soon!"

         The customer waved and exited. The owner turned back to us. "Three baths, huh? Let me see your face, woman."

         Gwen hesitated before lifting her head. "May we have three baths, sir?"

          He examined us, "Heads up, the both of you."

         I saw Trix did as she was told, and I did the same. He scoffed. "No man, no bath. Get out."

         I blinked for a moment as Gwen mumbled something. Probably a few curses.

         "Yes, sir." Trix bowed a bit before grabbed Gwen's hand and leaving, me following close behind.

         "I forgot they did that." She grumbled and I shrugged. She beamed and turned to me, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're a cat, can't you know... bathe yourself?"

         I shuddered as I thought of cleaning myself with my human tongue. "It doesn't work like that."

         She pouted. "Dang it."

         "And the rest of us wouldn't get baths, you idiot." Gwen grumbled. "We're gonna have to try and buy clothes and go to a nearby stream and bathe."

         "Aw, I hate stream bathing." The redhead sighed, then pushed her hair out of her face. "Do we have enough soap?"

         "I don't recognize you two..." A male voice sneered behind us. I froze and turned to see a man. He had those 'fancy clothes' that Trix had mentioned. He had short brown hair with a short beard. His amber eyes glared coldly at us.

         My two friends turned and quickly bowed. I scrambled to do the same. "Rise."

         I arose when the other two did. "Geneviève. How lovely to see you..."

        I turned my attention to the woman, and she scowled at him. "Master Abel..."

       The man glared back at her. "Don't scowl at your superiors, Geneviève. Or I'll throw you in jail and have you punished."

       She glanced at us and hesitantly softened her expression. "Yes sir, sorry sir."

       "That's more like it."

          Wait, how did he know her name? Didn't she tell me that women have no names in this town? I looked at Trix for an explanation and she looked at me like later.

          I looked away and back at Master Abel as he made eye contact with me. "You... you seem familiar."

          I froze with fear. "I-I do?"

          "I'll figure it out eventually." He looked at Trix. "Hm... I don't know you. Pity."

          Pity? Why-?

          "Guards! Take Geneviève to the jailhouse!" He bellowed. I gasped and Trix growled as people in armor pinned the ravenette's hands to her back and tied her up. She squirmed and kicked, but it was in vain.

          "What for, sir?" One asked.

          "For past crimes against the village of Scunthrope." He growled, then leaned down to be in Gwen's face. "I'll have mercy on your friend. The redhead here will be banished from Scunthrope."

          "What about the other, sir?" Another guard asked.

          He looked at me. "Banish her too."

          Two guards grab the collar of our shirts and drag us out.

          "Gwen!" Trix shouted as she struggled. "Gwen! /Gwen/!"

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