1) Omega Prince Jimin

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In the beautiful garden of park kingdom their is a beautiful omega watering the flowers while talking with the rabbits on the ground.

And that is our prince Park jimin an omega with extremely beautiful face and perfect body. He is the most beautiful omega in the entire kingdom and also a rare breed cause he is a male omega.

Male omega are very rare around the world and he is one of them. Therefore his parents are very protective towards him. He has the freedom to go everywhere but only with beta bodyguard around him.

Jimin is a very shy person he has never roam around alone. He is very kindhearted, he loves everyone and he is loved by everyone in the kingdom.
He would play with the childrens, help poor people, talk with animals water the garden these are his everyday routine.

Inside the palace also he would roam with his bodyguard Hoseok. He is a very trustworthy bodyguard of the kingdom personally asigned for jimin.
Hoseok treats jimin very respectfully but he is also like a big brother for him.

"Hoseok hyung look the white roses are looking so beautiful with the yellow and black butterflies"- jimin said cheerfully running towards him.

"Prince Jimin don't run you might fall down...and yes they are looking so beautiful afterall you are the one who takes care of them"- Hoseok said making jimin giggle.

"Come we should go inside the Palace your parents are calling for you to have lunch and we are having some guest today so you should take some rest now and get ready for today's dinner party"- Hoseok said.

"Dinner party?"- Jimin asked tilting his head in confusion looking damn cute.

"Yes we are having dinner party tonight cause King said that today King Jeon Jungkook from Jeon Kingdom with his family are coming for dinner"- Hoseok explained.

"Ohh then we should have the lunch fast then I have to prepare some sweets also for them I hope father will allow me to make some for them....I love to make sweets"- jimin said smiling.

"Of course let's go I know king will allow you to make them you are provided with every freedom here Prince jimin and we also love to eat your sweets.... come let's go"- Hoseok said.

After that they went to the Royal dining hall where everyone are waiting for jimin to join the lunch.

"I am sorry did I come too late I am sorry for making you all wait for me"- jimin apologize sitting beside his mother.

"No its okay jimin we all just came now. So everyone let's get started with the lunch"- King Park Do hyun said.

Everyone were having their lunch when king decided to speak - "So I have an announcement to make right now... tonight we are having a small dinner party where people from Jeon Kingdom will come...King Jeon jungkook has something to discuss with me regarding state affairs but he will bring along his family members also so it will be a small get together I hope you all will treat them with respect and kindness".

Jeon jungkook is a very powerful king and is known by everyone but it's their first time to invite him for dinner.

Everyone nodded. By everyone means jimin, his mother and his brothers and sisters and small kids at the table.

"Father can I ask you something"- Jimin said fiddling with his small fingers nervously.

"Of course jimin what is it"- king Jungki said sweetly he knows how shy and nervous jimin easily gets even with his family members.

"I....I..want to ask if I can make some sweets for today's guest I love to make them"- jimin asked.

King Park Do Hyun smiled and said - "of course you can make jimin we would also love to eat your sweets it's been a long time right everyone".

"Yes father you are right...jimin make for me extra okay since I am your favourite hyung"- jimin's elder brother Jeonghan said smiling.

"Yaa!!! who said that I am his favourite hyung"- jimin's cousin brother said.

"No jimin will make more for me cause he loves me the most"- jimin's elder sister jisoo said.

"I love everyone equally...you all just say to me how much you all want and I will make them"- jimin said happily with his cute voice.

Everyone cooed at him and nodded....everyone just loves him damn so much.

"But jimin don't do overwork okay take help from maids as well"- jimin mother said.

"Okay mom"- jimin said happily.

Jimin is right now in the royal kitchen making sweets for everyone happily.

He is just like that a lovely omega.

But he sometimes feels lonely. Though his family members love him and he is accompanied everywhere by someone but he still feels lonely in his bedroom.
So he sometimes sleeps with his omega brothers but he can't do that always they also needs privacy.
Jimin's every brothers and sisters either
have mates or partners only he is the one who is still single.

But he can't do anything about that he is so much isolated from alpha that he sometimes even get scared to go near them.

In his life the alphas he has encounter with are his father, brother and his omega siblings mates and no one else.

But he wishes that he will also get a loving alpha for him who will love him unconditionally.

He spends his heat alone painfully...he also wish to have an alpha who can provide him with love and warmth.

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