23) Jungkook's Rage

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Soomin led him to a dark corridor in the palace far from prying eyes. The air was thick with tension as Soomin began to speak.

"Jungkook I don't understand why you're so infatuated with Jimin" she started her voice laced with bitterness.

"He's weak and undeserving of you. You could do so much better. You deserve someone strong, someone who can stand by your side as a true equal, not a delicate omega like him" Soomin said.

Jungkook's eyes darkened, and he took a step closer to Soomin his presence looming and intimidating.

"Do you take me for a fool Soomin" he said his voice low and dangerous.

"what makes you think that you have the right to speak about Jimin that way huhh" Jungkook shouted at her.

Soomin flinched but continued desperate to sway him.

"But Jungkook think about it. He's always clinging to you, always needing your protection. Don't you want someone who can be strong for you too?"

Jungkook's anger boiled over.

"Enough!" he thundered his voice echoing through the corridor.

"Jimin is my heart, my strength, and my reason for everything I do. He is not weak. He is the kindest, most loving soul I have ever known, and he makes me a better man"

He stepped even closer his growl resonating in the oppressive silence.

"And who gave you the right to take my mom's name to bring me somewhere. It's only because Jimin said me to go but I already knew that you were scheming something. Because my mom would never send someone to call for when I am spending time with my omega"

Soomin swallowed hard, her palms sweating. "Jungkook I just... I want to talk with you and...."

Jungkook chuckled darkly, his eyes narrowing

"Talk? Or try to undermine my omega? You should know, Soomin, that I'm aware of every foul scheme you and your mother have plotted. I've kept silent because you are family, but my patience has limits."

Soomin's eyes widened with fear. "W-What do you mean? We haven't done anything..." she shuttered gulping in fear.

Jungkook stepped closer, his presence imposing.

"Do not insult my intelligence Soomin . I know every dirty trick, every whisper of treachery. The only reason I haven't acted is because of the bond we share as family. But that bond will not protect you forever"

Soomin trembled realizing the gravity of his words.

"Your Majesty I am sorr...."She stammered out an apology but Jungkook cut her off with a wave of his hand.

"Consider this your final warning, Soomin. Test me again, and you will find out just how far my mercy extends" Jungkook said and turned around to leave

But before walking away he stopped and said without looking at her

"And don't ever take my omega's name with that filthy mouth of yours it's disrespectful"

With that Jungkook turned and walked away, leaving Soomin standing there her heart pounding in her chest

As soon as he entered the library and saw Jimin's worried face his anger melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness. He rushed to Jimin's side, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"Is everything okay alpha?" Jimin asked softly looking up at him with concern.

"It is now" Jungkook replied kissing the top of Jimin's head.

"I had to deal with some nonsense, but it's taken care of."

Jimin smiled, leaning into Jungkook's embrace. "what about Soomin?" he asked

"Love, look at me" Jungkook said softly raising his chin making Jimin look at him.

"Don't stay too much close with Soomin okay and if you feel uneasy about her tell me immediately hmm?" Jungkook said.

"Why did something happen?" Jimin asked.

"Just listen to me baby okay?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.

"Okay alpha if you are saying then it's for my good" Jimin said and hugged him.

"I love alpha"

"I love you too sweetheart" Jungkook whispered, holding Jimin close.
"More than anything in this world."

Jimin knows how much Jungkook loves him. So he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone in this world and there is nothing to be insecure about their beautiful relationship.

In Soomin's room

Soomin returned to her room her face pale and her hands shaking. Her mother Hyejin, was waiting for her. Seeing the fear in her daughter's eyes, Hyejin frowned.
"What happened Soomin?"

Soomin collapsed onto a chair, her voice trembling.

"He knows, mother. Jungkook knows everything we've done. He warned me... he warned me that his patience is running out"

Hyejin's eyes narrowed, a calculating look crossing her face.

"Did he now? Well, we cannot let fear control us. If anything, this means we need to act more decisively"

"But mother" Soomin whispered "he's so powerful. If he finds out... if he decides to act..."

Hyejin waved off her concerns.
"That's why we need to strike when he's not around. I heard he's leaving the palace in a few days for a royal inspection. That will be our opportunity"

Soomin looked at her mother, unsure. "What are you suggesting?"

Hyejin leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial.

"We need to humiliate Jimin. If we can tarnish his purity and pride, it will create a scandal so great that Jungkook will have no choice but to distance himself. Then, you can position yourself as the only one worthy of being queen."

Soomin's eyes widened at the audacity of the plan.

"But how...?"

Hyejin smiled wickedly.

"Leave that to me. We just need to ensure everything is in place when the time comes. Remember, Soomin, this is our last chance. If we succeed, you will be queen. If we fail... well, we cannot afford to fail."

Soomin nodded slowly, determination replacing her fear.

"Yes, mother. I understand. We cannot fail."


To be continued

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