Day of the dragon

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We sunk the blimps and ferries off the island to stop any chance that the cultists might escape to the mainland, but I had some problems with it. Like, for starters, how are we going to get back ourselves? But hey, what do I know? I'm just the one with common sense! The other masters were cheering the whole time, so I guess it didn't cross their minds. The cultists struggled against the rope they were all tied up in, but they didn't get free. 

"The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear. Still no sign of Chen and Clouse."

"What about Skylor?" 

"She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends. And since you're her friend, that means so are we. We'll find her."

"He's right. With no way off the island, it's just a matter of time." I was still concerned how we were going to get off ourselves but didn't vocalize it. I wasn't going to ruin the moment. 

"I'm proud of you six. You've done what the original masters could not; stick together. But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when you sleep." 

I had met up with Nya at her mobile base to meet Wu and Misako virtually. I stayed off camera while she talked at first, just listening. "The island is secure. We destroyed the elemental staff and Chen's attempt to turn his army into Anacondrai has come up snake eyes." 

"Good work, Nya." 

"How is Zane?"

"He's good! A little different, but hey, aren't we all? Speaking of him, we have someone we want you to meet! She shifted the camera onto me. I smiled sheepishly and waved. 

"Hi! You two must be Wu and Misako, correct? I've heard quite a bit about you from Lloyd." 

"Who are you?"

"I'm Y/n, master of gems. I've gotten quite close to the ninja over the whole ordeal here, and they kind of want me to join them?" Wu smiled. 

"I remember your mother. She was quite close to my brother during the wars. It would be an honor to train you to be a ninja." 

"How do you know Zane?" 

"Well I found his heart and helped rebuild him. From there, once he went missing, I figured I could gain help through the ninja. The rest is history." 

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Lloyd-" I cut her off. 

"We'll tell them when we get back Nya!" 

"Lloyd? What happened to my boy?" 

"Nothing bad!~" She said teasingly. "But he started dating-"

"NYA!" I tried to cover her mouth, but she held my hand back. 

"He started dating Y/n!" I huffed, feeling my face blush. 

"We were going to tell them together when we got back!" She just giggled. I heard Misako laugh too. 

"Welcome to the family y/n. The ninja's, and mine." 

"Thank you, Misako."

"The bounty is almost finished. When it is, we'll come get you." She nodded. 

"I look forward to seeing you two again." A falcon pecked at the screen. "Heh, I mean you three." 

"I look forward to officially meeting you all when we get back. Speak soon!" 

We hopped out of the vehicle, and met up with the other masters, and before we could even talk, Griffin zipped up to us. "Chen just figured out Skylor's powers can finish the spell! She's in danger!" 

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