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It was nearly three days before we saw the boys again, but I was doing much better after a few days of rest. Sensei Wu came to me with a book I had never seen before once I was cleared by Misako to use my powers again. "Sensei? What's that book?"

"Have you ever heard of a material knows as deepstone?" I shook my head. "It's an aquatic gem-like material mined from the bottom of the ocean that can vanquish ghosts. You see, ghosts don't like water, because of the fluid nature of it. Not having a solid body, it quite literally washes them away. Deepstone is able to do the same thing." 

"I see. What does this have to do with me?"

"I want you to make it. I'm going to embed it with Gi's to protect you and the others."

"But sensei, how am I supposed to make something I don't know the compound of?" He motioned to the book. 

"A geologist friend of mine wrote this. I want you to study it and attempt to make some. It's going to take some time, yes, but I know you can do it. After all, you're able to create Lonsdaleite, are you not?" I nod. "Then I have faith you will be able to create this too." 

"Yes sensei." 

"In the meantime, I will go back to training Nya." I nod, and he walks away. I read the book a few times, each time attempting to make it, when I got an idea. Itas structure was similar to that of quartz, so I created some of that as a base. I then crushed in in my fist, adding pressure, and heat from rubies, and after a minute or so, I let go. 

When I looked at it, there was a material I was unfamiliar with in my hands. I brought it out to sensei, who was training Nya outside. She was in a single hand stand on a rock, with a teacup in one hand. 

"By the end of the day, we will find what makes you weak. For in your weakness..." 

"Lies strength? Yeah, I got it. And I don't mean to boast, but I'm pretty good at most everything I pick up. Can you even count the times I've had to rescue the boys?"

"Yes Nya, your merits don't go unnoticed. But by the end of the day, we will fond your flaw. Before then, the bucket test." He threw it at her, and she was able to flip, putting the teacup gently on a Lilypad, and caught it. 

"The bucket test?" She was confused. 

"Simple: Fill it with water." When it is full, your training today is done." She tried and groaned noticing a hole in the bucket. "I said it was simple, not easy. Go with the flow." He turned to me. "Y/n, I see you've already created the material I asked for."

"Yes sensei." He picked it up and examined it. 

"Well done. Can you form it into a tread-like substance?" I nod. "We will need quite a lot of this. You have quite the day ahead of you with Nya." I nod, and sit in the grass, forming it into tread as sensei walks away. 

Sensei came to check on us an hour later, and I was almost done with my threads. Nya however, was getting frustrated, and with that frustration came ingenuity. She put a rock in the bottom of the bucket, and as sensei came back, she filled it, and went over to him. "There! Buckets full! Not so hard." He looked, and shook his head. 

"The bucket is not full. Try again." He took the thread I had and began to leave. Nya groaned. 

"This is impossible!" 

"This is not impossible. This is about thinking outside the bucket. Going with the flow. Finding where you are weak."

"I'm not weak! This bucket is weak!" She kicked the bucket into the lake. "I've been trying to fill the bucket all day! It's never gonna happen! Face it, I'm not a water ninja, I'm a samarai!" She walked away, huffing and puffing, and I shook my head. Did she not realize she did it? I chuckled a bit once she was out of earshot and went inside. I was hungry and in need of some more rest. 

The Master Of GemsWhere stories live. Discover now