Chapter-7 ( Akidat - ishq )

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Ruhani pov

"So you were accepting it ,Haaa " he said

Now how should I tell him . It just that day when first time in college I met him
I didn't know that he was Aditi's brother
the one whom I liked .

Not because I have seen him before it just Aditi used to talk about him always and from their I get attracted towards him and after that meeting I followed him on social media but not from My regular I'd it's my second I'd about which nobody knows.

'Ms. Rooh Pratap Singh ' my I'd and from last two years I'm following him or in his words stalking ,

In starting 2- 3 month he didn't notice but after that one day he himself messaged me and from that our journey start journey of talking on calls and messages but from last two months our contact break it's not him it's me something happen and its disturbed me to the core ,

But also im not getting how he knows me imean we never do any video call or photo share then how he know that I am rooh .

" Yu is kadar vo inkaar me

Mubtila ho gye

Ki katl kr ke bhi ae mere


App yu kamosh reh gye ..."

" You became so engrossed in denial

that ....

Even after killing me, my murderer,

you remained silent like this...

"Say something rooh " he said , breaking my chain of thoughts

"Why did you stop talking you didn't reply my messages or calls did I do something if it's like then I'm sorry" he asked

"No ,no you didn't do anything it's just my life , something unpredictable happen "

"What " he asked, tears were started filling in my eyes but I controlled them from flowing

But like my life these tears also cheated me and flow from my eyes

"Hey rooh why are you crying I'm sorry rooh tell me what happened please look you were giving me tension now "

I looked at him but the gulp in my throat
Is stopping me to say anything thing

I tried to say but it come out a whisper
"Dad is no more" with this I lead to a break down ,

Kabir pov


She was badly crying in my arms and I don't know what to do

"Kabir she ... sa.. said th ... that he is no more because of me, I...iam a bad omen for her " she said hicupping

WTH who dare to say this controlling my anger I asked

"Who said rooh "

"" she said strugling for breath Oh god she's having a panic attack

"Rooh calm down, look at me rooh it's not your fault rooh look at me " I said

holding her face that is all red with crying her hands were shivering

"Rooh look take deep breath " I said and she tried to do after few minutes she is better still snuggling in my neck crying slowly

"Rooh stop crying " I said but she is still crying and the next moment ,

'My lips were on her soft one , I kissed her slowly suking her lower lips, she was shocked with my sudden action I tried to move my tounge in but she was not opening her mouth,
I pinched her waist a little and she gasp giving me way to savour her mouth '

After few min when she was not able to breath I leave her and
She was all red looking down catching her breath

"Now don't you dare to blame yourself I'm here for you in every situation for listening your side story I know my
rooh can't do anything wrong " I said ,

She looked at me for a calculating second and give me a tight hug

After few min I call her but she slept snuggling in my neck I can feel her breath .

I pick her in bridal style and take to her room lie her down on bed carefully not disturbing her sleep .

She was sleeping like a baby my baby;

after that I came to my room and started thinking about everything that happen in that don't know when sleep take me into a deep slumber .

Hii lovelies ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ that's today's chapter do tell me your beautiful thoughts in comments And also pleasee 😚gimme your preetyyy votes.

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