Chapter - 36

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Hii reader
Kem cho Maja ma

So the chapter is here now

Jaiye aur padhke bataiye 😁

Author's pov

It's been a week since Kabir's death and everything and everyone was just shattered into pieces.

Dhruv was having nightmares everyday and all that time only one scene revolves around his mind .


Past :

" But Kabir what if it's been late then it will be more complete for her to understand and what if she doesn't believe you then"
Dhruv said looking at his freind who was in deep thoughts of what to do .

Kabir looked at dhruv leaving a deep sigh and said
" We will see it tomorrow you don't take much pressure of it I'll manage you were getting married in 2 weeks focus on that . "

Dhruv saw his freind and said
"You know na Kabir I'm with you in every situation you were never alone you were not only my freind but my brother and I can die also for my brother"
he said , keeping his hand on Kabir's shoulder pressing it little showing the gesture to make him feel ease .

"I know yaar tu to bhai hai Mera aur ye marne, varne ki baat kha se aa gyi abhi to Mera bhai ghodi chadega aur Mai uski shadi me dance karuga samjha." Kabir said giving a hug to dhruv.

"Why Kabir why you did this you yourself Said that I'm your brother and you hide all this from me .why now how I'm gonna live without my brother . "
Dhruv was sitting in his rooms
balcony when a hand came on his shoulder that was Sneha.

She came forward and engulf him in a hug making him cry out loud like a child
"Why why all this happen I.. I lost my brother"  he said ,and cried all his heart .

Here Ruhani was in her room looking out of the window all those scene were crossing her mind making her restless all those moments she spends with him all their talk everything was playing in her mind like a cassette.

"No stop ..stoppppppp " she shout placing hand on her ears covering them in a try to stop those voices .

That's the moment when a drop fell from her eyes in these days it's the first time her tears were flowing and her face and eyes were showing pain and only pain that's all .

She cried all her heart sitting on the floor grabbing her knee her voice were depicting pain that if anyone listen it there heart must broke .

The pain in her cries were just undefined. That hole she cried and God know when sleep take over her.


Next day

It's morning and dhruv came to meet Ruhani .

Now the three of them were sitting in her room with silence crept in .

"What do you want to talk about dhruv bhai? "
Ruhani ask in a plain voice ,

"Ani as I told you that inspector sir had called me and we had a talk but before please try to understand my each and every word okk."

Ruhani looked at him in confusion and then looked at Sneha but she also had that 'I don't know ' expression.

"What are you talking about please say it clearly "

"Ani that...that accident was really not an accident it's..  it's a murder "

As soon as those word escape from his mouth Ruhani who was shocked once again all those scenes started crossing her mind ,

That then one thing crossed her mind

"No no listen my room left drawer bo...boxx"
Those words of Kabir were ringing in her mind .

She getup with a jerk and started running toward his room seeing her like this Dhruv and Sneha also get tense and walked behind her .

They came behind her and saw her finding something in Kabir's room  ,

"Ani what are you doing here and what the hell were you finding"  Dhruv said being irritated.

Just when she took out a red colour box from one desk and looked at both of them .

"Bhai this box Kabir told me about this box"  she said,  and sat on the bed with box opening it with trembling hands .

Both Sneha and dhruv also sat their looking at the box .

She opened it and their was a letter on top and some photos .

She opened the letter and started reading it

Hii Rooh ,

If you were reading this then I'm far away from you till now but don't loose hope baccha I know you were very strong

Rooh I never told you the thruth but it's time for you to know it .

You'll found a chip in the box open it and see their you'll found everything also their is a key it's very imp Rooh .

It's belong  to the trunk of your father in your house go there and you'll find out everything.

Aldo those pictures it's you and the man it's your real father I know you were confused why I'm saying real father but once you'll reach your house all your queries will be answered.

I know this journey is going to be tough for you for alway remember that I'm their with you in every situation close to you .

Your Bandar ka baccha


Reading this tears make their way down and she clenched the paper close to her heart .


Hey readers so that's for today tell me how's it okkkk.

Also don't forget to vote and comment 😁


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