Chapter-23 [ mohabbat, ibadat]

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Hii people's

So here is the chapter and you know if you want the sneak peaks of story do follow me on insta .
"My I'd : rooh_e_kitabi "


Author pov

They all came home in half hour and now everyone is sitting in the living room talking about the mall incident .

"By the way Ani not bad Haan you fight very well" ishana said, while sipping tea.

"Aree mom it's nothing you know when ......" Kabir cut Aditi in b/w and said,

"What do you mean by it's nothing , rooh you beat someone else too" he said, looking at ruhani with surprised.

"Not only one Kabir our Ani had handle many such road side romeo."
Sneha said with proud .

"Bhaiya once a guy was misbehaving with our one of the class fellow and you know what Ani did "
Aditi said looking at her brother who was thinking about the chances of what her rooh can do .

"Leave it , let me tell you she broke her one hand and leg . The guy was in hospital for atleast 10 days."
Aditi said to the two mens infront of her who were now gulping looking at ruhani with big, big eyes that it can came out any sec and fear was clearly visible on their face .

Kabir looked at his rooh and wishpered to her "rooh agr meri koi bhi baat buri lgi ho to I'm extremely sorry you know na I love you so much...." showing her his puppy eyes With a pleading gaze .

"What happened, Mr. Oberoi are you feared of me . If you were than don't you know now, I'm not in mood to send you hospital. So take a chill pill" she said with a smirk winking looking at him .

'Ohh god Mai bach gya wait a sec did she said Now that mean in future she can be in that mood hey bhagwan ab app hi Raksha krna meri' he said in her mind looking upwards .

Everyone was talking to each when Ruhani's phone rang as she looked at the phone screen her facial expressions change to serious she looked at everyone and excused herself and came to the garden while all this their was a person who notice the change in her expressions and a smile crept on that persons face .

Ruhani came to the garden and answers the call

"Hello, zoya" a heavy voice of a man came from the other side .

"Yes sir, zoya here" she said

"Hmm, so how's everything going does you get any information" the man said from other side

"No sir not now, but I'm working on it and we were close to the truth" she answered in a confident voice .

"Look zoya I know you were working hard but remember we don't have much time and also don't gey too much close with that family . Have a control on your feelings and remember your training ." The man said ,

"Yes sir I know and I assure you that work will be done very soon and I also had a control on my feelings."
She answered the tone in her language felt different from the way she talk to everyone. By looking at her body language it difficult to say that she's the same bubbly ruhani .

Her posture and language every thing felt different at this time .

"Okay and best of luck ." The voice came from.other side and the call was cut .

Ruhani roamed her eyes at the garden and then came inside . Everyone was still in the living room except Kabir. She looked at everyone and said,

"Maa I have some work I'm going to my room call me when dinner is ready ."
And start climbing stair she reached upstairs and looked back once more at everyone.
At this time her eyes were describing something very different emotions.
Their was a fire in her eyes that will burn each and everything.

She left from their to her room .

On the other hand in Kabir's room he was talking to dhruv about something the room was filled with silence and seriousness .

Breaking the silence dhruv said
"What do you think we should tell her ."

"I don't think show she'll not be able to tolerate all this " kabir answered rubbing her finger on his forehead.

"But Kabir what if it's been late then it will be more complete for her to understand and what if she doesn't believe you then" looking at his freind who was in deep thoughts of what to do .

Kabir looked at dhruv leaving a deep sigh and said " we will see it tomorrow you don't take much pressure of it I'll manage you were getting married in 2 weeks focus on that . "

Dhruv saw his freind and said "you know na Kabir I'm with you in every situation you were never alone you were not only my freind but my brother and I can die also for my brother"
he said keeping his hand on Kabir's shoulder pressing it little showing the gesture to make him feel ease .

"I know yaar tu to bhai hai Mera aur ye marne, varne ki baat kha se aa gyi abhi to Mera bhai ghodi chadega aur Mai uski shadi me dance karuga samjha." Kabir said giving a hug to dhruv.

At this time everyone was gathered for dinner except ruhani .

"Aditi beta where is ruhani you didn't called her" ishana said

"Maa I did she said she will be down in five minutes so I came with Sneha " she answered just then ruhani came down from the stairs .

Everyone looked at her who's face was void of expression she take her seat that is beside Kabir aa it was the last seat left .

"Ani where were you Haa ?" Ishana said ,

"Nothing Maa just some work came nothing else" she answered and started eating her dinner when a hand caught her hand from inside the table .

She looked at her hand and then at the owner of the hand . She looked at him who was already looking at her with a soft emotion in his eyes .

She looked at him and gave him a smile and started eating .

Ishana notice her eating with the left hand and ask "Ani why were you eating with your left hand ."

With that every gaze on the table turns toward her and she was looking at everyone with an awkward smile and said,

"No.... nothing Maa it's just I..... I got a cut Haan , a cut on my thumb that's why "

So how's the chapter do tell me Haan.

'What do you think yo whom ruhani was talking and who is zoya .'

'About what Kabir and dhruv were talking .'

Tell me in comments okkkk.


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