Chapter 1

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Luke Skywalker hadn't had the best upbringing by far on the lawless planet of Tatooine. Even though he had had a very grounding and supporting uncle and a very sympathetic and kind aunt, he had still felt fear very early on in his life. There was always the possibility that Tusken Raiders or some other dangerous threat would come and take control of their moisture farm and kill Luke and his aunt and uncle in the process. Even though Luke had been young, the fear had not been. It was a type of fear that anyone could feel, but not what he should have felt— that no one should have to feel so young.

Luke felt that same fear as he gripped onto part of a weather vane for dear life. The possibility of falling to his death wasn't the scary part. No, not at all. It was a recent revelation that shook him to his core.

Darth Vader; an evil Sith warrior who had taken away the lives of more people close to Luke than anyone else had, happened to be his father. Luke tried to trick himself into believing that Vader had been lying to him— that the Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker couldn't have possibly fallen so far. The only person who was lying was Luke, and he was foolishly lying to himself. He just wanted to get rid of this paralyzing fear that was eating him whole.

Deep down, or maybe more reachable than he would care to admit, Luke Skywalker did know that he was in fact the son of Darth Vader. Since the moment the two had shared minutes before, Luke had felt a bond between them start to sprout in the Force.

Darth Vader had offered Luke a place by his side, an opportunity to grow powerful enough to destroy the dreaded Emperor and to rule the galaxy by his father's side. Should Luke have gone with him? Surely he wouldn't have given into the Dark Side. If he had gone, he would have gone with his father and not a Sith Lord. He would have tried to grow the relationship between them and try to bring his father back to the light. Luke shouldn't have denied his offer, he knew that now. He had just been so scared. Scared that someone like Vader could be his father, scared of being consumed by the Dark Side, and so scared of abandoning his friends.

Luke was so caught up in his thoughts that he paid no mind to the Millennium Falcon that was below him. A man who he was not familiar with brought him into the ship.

Leia Organa, a great friend of Luke's, helped Luke onto a medical cot before leaving him to go into the cockpit.

Luke was drowning in his feelings. It was like someone was forcing him underwater and pressing him down until the air left his lungs. He couldn't believe that his short-time master Obi-Wan Kenobi hadn't told him that his father was still alive and was Darth Vader, but rather that Darth Vader had betrayed and murdered his father. What if Luke had killed him? What then?

"Why didn't you tell me.." Luke whispered to thin air. He knew Obi-Wan was listening. He just knew it! Obi-Wan had talked to him on the planet Hoth and also Dagobah, so who's to say he couldn't talk to him now?

Suddenly he felt Vader through their growing bond. "Luke," his voice felt like it was within him and also all around him. It was consuming him. This voice didn't sound like Vader though, it sounded more human. Maybe this was the voice of Anakin Skywalker.

"Father," Luke hesitantly said back. Should he call him father? He knew Vader had done terrible things, but at least he hadn't lied to him like Obi-Wan and Yoda had.

"Son," Vader's voice spoke possessively. "Please come to me. I'll care of you more than the Rebels ever have. Let me give you the life you deserve."

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