Chapter 3

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Leia and Lando were sitting in their shared cell and they were both starting to wonder if anyone was going to come to do... something. Torture, interrogating, anything. Anything to save them from the undesirable void of their minds.

The whole situation was horribly traumatic for Leia. All she could think about was when she had been in her prison cell on the Death Star. Leia was so worried about Luke as well. Why wasn't he in the cell with herself and Lando? Was Vader hurting him? Was he slowly corrupting and manipulating Luke into joining the Dark Side?

"Leia, how long do you think they're going to make us stay in here and do nothing?" Lando questioned. "Until we go mad?"

"Probably," Leia sighed. "It wouldn't be too different from other Imperial methods," she paused. "I'm sorry that we brought you into all of this, Lando."

Lando shrugged. "I did the right thing for once, and I don't regret it." Lando gave her a small comforting smile. "Don't worry, Leia. Someone is bound to come in here at some point. I'm hoping whenever they do they'll bring something for us to eat. I'm starving."

Leia gave him a faint smile and an eye roll. "Priorities, Lando."

"Right, right, sorry," he rambled. "Just hungry is all. Thirty too."

Leia let out a weak laugh in agreement. "Yeah, me too."

Just then, Luke walked into the cell with food trays for the both of them.

"Luke!" Leia exclaimed, standing up. "What are you doing here?" She asked, though she had a feeling. Luke was walking free. He wasn't a prisoner. That only meant one thing: he had made some sort of deal or arrangement with Vader, and that was bad.

"Leia," Luke sighed softly. "I should've told you right away... On Bespin during my battle with Vader, he told me something that has changed my perspective of him."

Leia looked at him with concern and curiosity. "What did he tell you?" She asked.

Luke sighed, dreading her reaction. "He's my father, Leia." Luke told her, and afterwards, he bit down on his lower lip. He was nervous about how she would cope with the information that her best friend and greatest ally was the son of her biggest enemy, besides perhaps the Emperor.

Leia's eyes widened in shock at first, and then her expression developed into something comparable to horror. "Luke, I..." She collected herself before she continued.

"Luke, that changes nothing at all," Leia told him softly. "I still care about you the same way," she promised him. Leia paused for a moment. "Has he hurt you at all since you got here?"

Luke shook his head. "No, he hasn't," he said. If he hurt me, he'd probably have a panic attack, was left unsaid. Leia sighed. "And I'm not stupid you know," Leia whispered. "What does he want from you?" She asked, dreading the answer.

Luke raised an eyebrow at her. "Just myself," he shrugged. Leia groaned. "This is what I'm afraid of Luke! He's going to try to turn you to the Dark Side."

Luke denied it, even though Vader had said it himself on Bespin. His father was not good, but in a way he was. He would never force Luke to do something he wholeheartedly did not want to do.

"Leia, I believe that he won't try to turn or hurt me," Luke told her gently, sensing her nerves. "I know you're worried for me and yourself as well, but we'll both be fine. He has promised me that nobody will harm you or Lando, and I trust him."

"Look, I know that you both are having a heartfelt conversation or whatever, but Luke, could you please hand me my food?" Lando asked in his usual smooth-talking tone.

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