Chapter 7

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Padmè put a hand to her forehead as she sat in the cockpit of her Naboo star skiff. The ship was one of the only things she had left of her old life. She was about to gain one more: her husband. Padmè was determined. She was going to finally do what she had tried to do twenty two years prior. She was going to bring Anakin back from the Dark Side— with the help of her son, of course.

She wondered how Anakin would react to the fact that she had not died in childbirth. Padmè mourned the years that they had spent apart, and she was sure that he had as well. Padmè sighed to herself. This would either go really good or really bad like how it had gone on Mustafar. She silently hoped that she would actually be able to bring Anakin back this time.


Luke was sitting on his bed not doing much. Well at least not physically. His mind was still trying to process all of the things that had happened in the last few days.

His father was a Sith Lord who had cut off his hand, and he had murdered Luke's short term mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, but he was now quite obviously on the path to redemption. His father had also hurt Leia, who was apparently Luke's sister, and he had nearly killed Luke's mother... How was Luke supposed to cope with such information? Luke sighed to himself. He knew when he saw the corpses of his uncle and aunt that things would never be simple ever again, but this was far beyond what he could have ever imagined.

Luke loved his father, no doubt, but he was struggling to feel comfortable with him. Especially after he found out that he had hurt Luke's mother, the person that his father had loved the most. Luke didn't think he would hurt him necessarily, but if he had choked her, what could he do to Luke?

He knew his father would never intentionally hurt him, but he hadn't meant to hurt his mother... It was just stressful thinking.


Meanwhile in her cell, Leia was having a difficult time processing the information that Vader was her father. It couldn't be possible. He was so... awful. He had hurt her on numerous occasions. She wasn't bad, right? No, she wasn't, so she couldn't be his daughter. But Luke was his son and he wasn't bad... Leia missed life on Alderaan. Things had been hard at times, but they had at least made sense. None of this did to her.

"Hey," Lando's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Are you alright?"

Leia sighed, blinking tears away from her eyes that had previously gone unnoticed by her. "I... How would you process the fact that Darth Vader is your father?"

"Worse than you, I imagine," Lando gave her a small grin. Leia let out a choked laugh. "You'd go crazy," she said. Maybe I am going crazy.

"Maybe he'll try to be better for you and Luke," Lando whispered.

Leia looked at him incredulously. "Vader tortured me, he stood idly as my home world literally got blown up, he's killed far more people close to me than I can count, he froze Han in carbonite, and now he has us locked up in here," Leia ranted. "Even if he wanted to try to make things better, I don't trust him to, and I never will."

Lando took that as a sign that the conversation needed to be dropped. He barely knew anything about Vader or what he had put Leia through. It was wrong for him to be the one that comforted and assured Leia.


Padmè put in her clearance codes that she had from when she was still a Senator. She knew that Sidious had gotten rid of the Senate a couple of years back, but her clearance codes would be enough to get Anakin's attention.

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