Revenge And Realization

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I would like to be a villain for once
I have never thought of revenge until now
Cause I'm tired of pretending to be a good one
A good girl who's obedient and selfless
It makes me sick following rules
Dealing with people who doesn't even care about me
Nothing's wrong with being selfish, right?
Nothing's wrong to put yourself first

They just want me to disappear
If that's what they want I'll get out of their sight
Or maybe I'll get their sights out of me
Why would I fake my personality
I shouldn't imitate them; their plastic
Fake, artificial and disposable

My patience is off it's limits
I want to show them the real deal
They should have been dead by now
I've already murdered them in my thoughts
Stab them twenty four times
I would not just hurt them with words
And won't let them die without suffering

But wait...
Enough is enough
I won't let this thoughts devour me
I won't let it control my being
Yes they have shattered my soul
Pierced my heart

They have wounded and scarred my being
Peeled me skin to flesh till I can feel my bones
But breaking another soul won't heal any heart
Destroying can't build peace
And it won't ease any kind of pain

But I will remind myself that,
In this world nothing is pure
Everything has its dark side
Cause the light can't shine without darkness
And there will always be a shadow behind every light

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