Unfinished Kiss

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Ishu's POV :

My heart raced uncontrollably as Shubman's chuckle filled the air. Lost in the moment, my instincts took over, and I felt a rush of warmth engulfing me. Shubman's proximity was intoxicating; I could hardly think straight . I couldn't escape the magnetic pull as he clasped my waist, bringing us intimately close. I melted under his touch. Closing my eyes, I awaited the impending collision of our lips, my every sense heightened.Shubman's subtle smirk played on his lips, and I surrendered to the desire, our faces tantalisingly close, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through me.

A symphony of rapid beats echoing in my ears. A strange sensation churned in the pit of my stomach, an unfamiliar yet exhilarating feeling that seemed to amplify with each passing moment. Shubman's warm breath danced on my face, sending shivers down my spine.Being on my tiptoes, held ever so dearly by Shubman, was an experience that transcended the ordinary. His closeness was electrifying, and the anticipation of our lips meeting made time momentarily stand still. I couldn't deny the flutter of butterflies in my stomach, a cocktail of nervous excitement and an unexplored desire.

In that fleeting moment, as I surrendered to the pull of Shubman's embrace, I realised that this was something different, something extraordinary that went beyond mere fantasy.


Shub's POV:


Shreyas' voice cut through the charged atmosphere, breaking the spell between us. I reluctantly loosened my grip on Ishan, our intimate moment abruptly interrupted.

"Shumban?" Shreyas repeated, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Didn't mean to disturb the love birds, but we need you two back at the hotel. Important team meeting right now, you know."

I exhaled, trying to regain my composure. "Alright, we'll be there."As we made our way back to the hotel, the night air held a sense of anticipation. Shreyas walked beside us, keeping up a stream of lighthearted banter that did little to dispel the charged atmosphere between Ishan and me.The hotel lobby was quiet, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of the streets outside. We entered the elevator, and Shreyas pressed the button for our floor. As the doors closed, he raised an eyebrow, his mischievous grin returning. "So, spill the beans. What's going on with you two? I've never seen you so... caught off guard." Shreyas continued to chuckle, me and Ishu exchanged bewildered glances, our faces still flushed with embarrassment. On not receiving any reply, Shreyas smiled to himself.The air was filled with awkward tension as we headed to the team meeting. During the meeting, the coach announced the team's upcoming overseas tour for matches in early 2024. My mind raced with thoughts of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, temporarily pushing aside the amusing encounter with Shreyas.But I couldn't resist stealing glimpses of Ishu , biting back a smile.


Ishu's POV :

I found it difficult to concentrate. My mind kept replaying the unexpected moment, and I couldn't shake off the feeling. As the coach discussed strategies and preparations for the tour, My attention wavered between the game plan and the memory of Shreyas' teasing remark. I glanced over at Shub to check if he was feeling the same.He appeared to be extremely determined, retained refocus on the meeting, eager to prove himself on the international stage. I couldn't help my gaze from shifting from his eyes to his lips- 'stop it Ishan what are you doing right now- ' I scolded myself silently, trying to bring my focus back to the coach's words. The upcoming international tour was crucial, and distractions could cost us dearly. Shreyas' teasing had ignited an unexpected spark, and I needed to extinguish it before it turned into something more distracting.

Struggling to absorb now  Rohit Bhai's words, I sensed Shreyas and Shardul stealing glances in my direction. I refrained from fully turning to avoid drawing undue attention, I didn't want to divert the players focus towards me. Instead, I subtly shifted my gaze toward their side.I let out a sigh, realising it was just my imagination. 'No one is paying attention, Ishan, stay focused, it's all in your head.'


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