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𝐓𝐇𝐄 first thing Mel heard when she came out of customs was Isabelle screaming her name at the top of her lungs, the girl was holding a handful of balloons and standing next to her was a curly haired boy Mel recognized as Lando holding a big welcome home sign.

Mel isn't sure if it counts as coming home if you only lived here for a couple of months, but she's happy to be in London nonetheless, especially because it meas she finally gets to meet Isabelle's boyfriend.

"Belle! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" Mel says as soon as she got close enough to them, straining her voice a bit as the bags she was holding were anything but light.

"Let me take your bags," says Lando, sensing her discomfort and immediately whisking her bags away, handing Isabelle the sign the Brit was previously holding.

Mel shoots Isabelle a look of approval, making Belle blush. The younger didn't have the best luck with love; her experiences inspiring many of Mel's songs, so she was very happy Isabelle had finally found someone who seemed to be a lovely person.

"So," Isabelle started once they were settled into Lando's fancy car, "have you had any luck with love?"

There it was, that dreaded question that made Mel want to cry and puke and scream all at once, she knew that Isabelle was only looking out for her, but her previous breakup, despite giving much inspiration for songs, had left her– not exactly scared of love– but rather, hesitant to let someone get close to her.

"Well," Mel cleared her throat, "I wouldn't call it luck, per se."

There was an uncomfortable moment before Lando, of all people, spoke up, "well if you feel like you're doing that badly, i can always set you up with someone, i know lots of people," Lando paused for a second.

"Lots of Aussies too, although you might know them already."

Mel's eyebrows shot up before madness descended onto Lando's car, Isabelle was laughing hysterically and Mel started screaming something that resembled you too?! before descending into cursing; very weird, albeit very funny cursing. In the background, you could faintly hear Lando muttering an apology.

"Jesus, you're worse than Oscar."

Isabelle laughed even harder at that, but Mel, feeling a bit out of the loop suddenly, just frowned lightly, Oscar?

Just as she was about to ask, Isabelle seemed to snap out of her hysterical laughter to inform Mel that they had arrived at their apartment, Lando and Isabelle's, as she was to stay with them for the days that she was spending in London.

Just as she was about to ask, Isabelle seemed to snap out of her hysterical laughter to inform Mel that they had arrived at their apartment, Lando and Isabelle's, as she was to stay with them for the days that she was spending in London

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liked by isa.jung, landonorris and 302,922 others
melkim back in london with my love <3

landonorris stop stealing my gf
melkim i was here first get in line
user1 crossover????
user2 oh i love them sm
isa.jung thank u for getting over the aussie joke
melkim who says i got over it
landonorris i genuinely thought all aussies knew eachother tho??
melkim WE DONT
user4 i think she's here for some promotional event for feather

𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now