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"𝐒𝐎," Belle said as she sat down on the couch, an excited tone to her voice, "Lando and I are going out tonight with some of his friends, and i was thinking that maybe you could come with us?"

Mel, who'd been sitting on the opposite side of the couch, frowned before turning to look at her friend, "no."

Belle moved and sat right next to Mel, so they were facing each other now, "come on! this is your chance to meet new people."

"I just don't feel like going out tonight."

The younger girl huffed, "I know you're like, scared or whatever, but you can't stay cooped up in our apartment the entire time you're here, besides, it's Friday night."

Mel sighs loudly, she knew her friend was right, she couldn't stay home forever, and it would be good if she met new people, not necessarily someone to date, right?

Reluctantly, Mel says yes.


Despite having done a bit of pre-game at Isabelle's apartment to take the edge off, Mel couldn't help but feel extremely overwhelmed when she walked into the club.

Belle and Lando had quickly disappeared, Mel guessed they had either gone to say hello to Lando's friends or they'd gone off to dance, but she felt a little lost now that she was alone.

Mel opted for walking to the bar, giving herself a good view of the club. She ordered something strong but that didn't taste like straight liquor, hoping she could blackout or something and just make the night pass as quickly as possible.

"Long night?"

Mel turned at the sound of a familiar Aussie accent and found a boy standing next to her, he looked almost familiar, his hair looked like it had been styled and then promptly had someone run their hands all over it, he was wearing a white button up with the top buttons unbuttoned and a small smile. He was cute.

"Not at all, actually, I just got here," she replied with a small laugh.

The boy laughed a bit with her before she started speaking again, "then why do you look so, uh,  scared? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, my best friend and her boyfriend kinda ditched me, so I'm just–" Mel stopped speaking as saw Isabelle and Lando walking up to them.

"Speak of the devil," Mel said.

Lando surprised Mel again, because as the couple finally came to stand in front of them, Lando put his arm around the boy and started saying something unintelligible to him,

"So you finally met Oscar!" Belle said, nearly screaming over the music, "I was just coming to get you so I could introduce you guys."

Something clicked in Mel's head as she turned to look at Oscar once more.

This must be the god forsaken Australian teammate everyone was so convinced she knew.

"Wait, how do you guys know each other?" Oscar said, slightly confused as he pointed at Mel and Lando.

Mel froze as she quickly started to regret going out tonight, because as much as she loved Belle, she knew that she jumped at the opportunity to brag about Mel's achievements, and Oscar had just handed it to her on a silver platter.

By the time Belle was fully into her rant about just how amazing Mel was, the girl turned to look at Oscar, fearing the expression on his face.

She was surprised to find that on his face was a similar look of understanding to the one she held when she realised who he was.

She started to open her mouth to question the look when he leaned close to her, the look of understanding quickly replaced for something more nervous, almost scared.

"Do you, uh, maybe wanna get outta here?"

Well, so much for not dating anymore, Mel thought as she hastily took Oscar's hand and led him out of the club, laughing loudly and carefree.

𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now