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𝐌𝐄𝐋 wakes up in a strange apartment with an unfamiliar arm around her waist and wearing a shirt that most definitely isn't hers.

She tries to remember last night. She'd gone out with Belle and Lando, she'd met Oscar, they left the club and went to beach, they talked for 2 hours and 24 minutes on said beach, and then–

Oh, fuck.

Then, they'd fucked off to Oscar's flat and hooked up.

Belle was going to be so pissed off with her.

Mel doesn't even remember how they managed to end up in this situation, those two hours they'd spent on the beach were really nice, they'd both opened up to each other, Mel even told him all about her ex for god's sake.

In what world does telling a guy about how much your ex fucked you up make him want to sleep with you?

In Oscar's defence, he'd also talked a bit about his love life; he'd apparently broken up with his girlfriend of 3 years a couple months ago and was only just trying to get himself out there again.

At some point in the night, Mel started talking about how scared she was that all of this, her music career and friends, could just disappear in the blink of an eye. Oscar comforted her by saying something about how time will pass anyway, and if her friends could disappear just like that, maybe they weren't worth it.

Mel could remember all of that so clearly, and yet she couldn't remember how they managed to get to Oscar's flat, they obviously drove here, but had one of them said something? Do something?

She's brought back to reality when she feels Oscar move behind her, snuggling into her neck and murmuring something she couldn't understand.

Mel needed to get out of here.

As much as she liked Oscar, she couldn't risk this turning into a relationship, or worse, a friends with benefits situation.

Trying to be as quiet as humanly possible, Mel got out of bed and started grabbing her stuff.

She didn't have time to change so she just stole a pair of sweatpants from Oscar's closet. Mel checked the time, 8 in the morning, before she picked all her stuff up and stuffed it into a bag, leaving the bedroom without making a sound.

A notepad and pen are on the kitchen table, and Mel briefly considers leaving a message for Oscar, maybe thanking him a great night or giving his number, but she quickly brushes that idea away, not wanting to lead the poor boy on.

The uber she ordered started driving away as she looked back at Oscar's building, was she going to regret this?

"Yes?! Of course you're going to regret this," Belle, who had demanded a debrief as soon as Mel had gotten home, answered, "last night you literally sent me a text telling me how amazing he was"

Mel covered her face with her hands as she threw herself onto the couch, sighing loudly. Belle told her that Lando had left early in the morning to go to a business meeting about his brand or something, so at least if Lando had anything to say about this, she could put off his comments for a couple more hours.

"You know what this means right?" Mel asked her friend.

"That you have to go and apologise to him?"

"Uh, no?" Mel coughed awkwardly, "it means I can't ever step foot inside a Grand Prix ever again," she finished dejectedly.

Belle's eyebrows shot up comically, "you're joking, please tell me you're not serious right now."

Mel looked down onto her lap, her hands were clasped together. It was drastic, sure, but it was the only plan that made sense in her head; she didn't want to see Oscar again because that would be mortifying. What would she even say to him?

Hey, I'm sorry for making that night into a one night stand and for being a bitch!

So it was decided, as much as she loved watching Formula One, from now on, Mel would do it exclusively from the comfort of her home. She couldn't risk seeing Oscar again.

It was a foolproof plan, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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