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𝐌𝐄𝐋 sighed as she put her phone down, for some unknown reason, she had woken up and immediately decided she hated herself, because she'd promptly spent the entire day looking at pictures of her and Michael, her ex.

The relationship had technically only ended a couple weeks ago, but in Mel's head, Michael had stopped being her boyfriend months ago. She'd already mourned the pathetic excuse for a relationship they'd had.

Maybe that was why she wasn't as completely devastated when they finally broke up after weeks of dancing round it. She'd already moved on before the relationship had ended in the first place.

Her mom used to tell her she was wise beyond her years when she was younger, and despite hearing it so many times growing up, she still struggled to believe her mother's words.

Mel would be turning 21 in October, but sometimes she felt like she was so much younger. She was no longer a child, and yet she still wrote petty songs all but name dropping her exes and threw mean insults at whoever decided to be mean to her friends.

The scrutiny she had faced for her childish behaviour had been all but easy to navigate, she never knew what was the right thing to say in interviews, who to talk to and where to go.

That same inability to navigate the world was what had led her to Michael, who was only a year and a half older than her, but who seemed like he had his entire life figured out.

And so, Mel gifted Michael two whole years of her life, and while everything was good for the first year, the second brought alongside it endless fights and disagreements.

Michael wanted her to practically abandon the career she had been building for herself since she was but a child in favour of essentially becoming an unknown DJ's trophy wife at the ripe age of 20.

Safe to say that hadn't sat nicely with Mel, and that very argument was what had ended their relationship 4 months before they actually called it quits.

Mel sighed again, picking the remote up in hopes of finding something on the living room tv that would distract her enough from the fact that she had wasted two years of her life being hopelessly in love with an asshole who didn't care about her dreams.

She'd been so deep in her thoughts she hadn't even realised when Belle and Lando had come home from their grocery shopping trip. Mel just pulled her sweater tighter and tried to melt into the couch in hopes Belle wouldn't see her.

She failed, obviously.

𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now