Chapter 2: Friendship Is Over.

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It was night time and me and Everest were still upset about the fight we had earlier. so at dinner time we didn't even look at each other. Ryder was confused and asked Chase and Marshall what was going on and they told him that we had a fight.
don't worry! said Chase. they'll get over it by tomorrow.
if you say so Chase. said Ryder and went to go eat his dinner. we ate for a little while than Rubble looked at us and wispered to Chase, are you sure they're gonna get over it? and Chase replied, ofc they are! they fight a lot. they're gonna get over it tomorrow! right Marshall?
Right! replied Marshall. then Rubble went to eat is food.

After we all ate Ryder gave us pup treats and told us we had 1 hour til we all had to go to sleep. I was playing tag with Coral and Everest was playing with Liberty and Marshall. after a while me and Coral got tired and took a break. then Coral asked me, I heard about what happened between you and Everest. are you okay? I looked down and said, yeah I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. so after that we went back to playing. meanwhile Everest, Marshall, and Liberty were playing hide 'n seek. Marshall was it. Everest was hiding behind her pup house and Liberty was hiding behind the lookout. every time Marshall pasted them they would giggle and he would get confused. until Everest giggled so much she accidentally burst out laughing and Marshall caught her. THERE YOU ARE! yelled Marshall. now where's Liberty? and Everest said, I actually don't know. honest. so they searched everywhere until finally Everest yelled, SHE'S BEHIND THE LOOKOUT! and Liberty told Everest to be quiet but then at that moment Marshall saw her. and after that they all just giggled. then Marshall asked, Wanna play again? then Liberty replied, later. i wanna talk to Everest alone right now okay. ten Marshall nodded his head and walked away.  Everest and Liberty were tired after all that fun they had.
That was crazy fun! said Everest.
yeah it was! replied Liberty. then they both giggled. after a minute Everest remembered and asked, what were gonna talk to me about Liberty? Liberty was thinking for moment then said, I know you and Skye got in a huge fight earlier today. so i was just wondering if you guys are gonna get over it. then Everest said, to be honest i don't know. I MEAN- of course we will we always do so don't worry about it okay. Liberty looked worried but then just nodded her head.

15 minutes later the sun was about to set. usually me and Everest would watch it together but, but after the fight we didn't want to go near each other. and sometimes when me and Everest don't want to watch the sunset together we would watch them with our boyfriends. but Chase and Marshall were watching the sunset together. so I just watched it with Coral and Everest watch it with Liberty. but when we were waiting we that we were next to each other so we each gave each other a mean look then looked away. then Coral asked me, are you okay cuz? and I replied, yeah I'm fine. Coral had a worried face. but then at that moment the sun was setting. we watched it go down and it was so beautiful! when it was still setting i asked Coral, will you be able to watch the sunrise with me tomorrow? and she shook her head and i got sad and continued to watch the sunset. after the sunset we had to go to bed. i didn't want to sleep alone, and neither did Everest. so we asked our boyfriends to sleep with us in our pup houses and they agreed. when i was sleeping i started to tear up so Chase kissed me on the head and told me that it's okay. and Everest cried too so Marshall comforted her.

the next morning me and Everest went up to each other and aplogized. then Marshall had to say, YAY YOU GUYS AREN'T MAD ABOUT WHO'S THE CUTEST BOYFRIEND! then Chase slapped his face. and then we remembered and got mad again and walked away. 
sorry. said Marshall. Chase just rolled his eyes and said, nevermind about that. we have to get them back together.
but how are we gonna do that
? asked Marshall.
I don't know. but it looks like it's up to us to stop this madness.


(sorry if this chapter was shorter than the last one)

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