Chapter 5: Friends Again Pt 1

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No. we can't! said Coral. sorry but it's the only way. replied Jessie. Coral, Gasket, Marshall, and Chase didn't like this idea. we could get in HUGE trouble! said Chase. Jessie thought for a moment. why don't you just ask him? he'll never say yes to that kind of stuff! but right at that moment Ryder came in and said, it's okay pups. I'm with Jessie on this.
BUT RYDER! exclaimed Chase, Marshall, Coral, and Gasket. Ryder sighed.
we'll just find a way to keep them safe, okay.
okay.. the 4 pups replied. 

later that day they got everything set up. it took so long to do that it took ALMOST A WEEK! after they finished Ryder called us up. 
Ryder needs us! we all said. as we got in there we noticed Marshall wasn't here (again). so Chase said, Wait. where's Marshall? but a second after he said that Marshall yelled, I'm coming! but then he slipped on a drum toy and landed on all of us!
Ah! the sound of slipping and falling! music to my ears! joked Marshall. we all laughed. as we got up Chase said, PAW Patrol ready for action Ryder sir!
Glad you're here pups! started Ryder. one of Mayor Humdinger's kittens ran away and is lost on Jake's Mountain
oh no that's terrible! exclaimed Rocky. then Ryder said, I'll need...... Skye! you'll need to grab the kitten with your harness
Arf! this puppy's gotta fly! i said. then Ryder said, I also need.... Everest! you'll need to clear the path so I can come and drive through
Arf! ice or snow, I'm ready to go! said Everest. then after that Ryder said, Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll! when we were getting in our vehicles I said to Everest, I bet my gonna save that kitten first!
Nu-uh! said Everest. I'm gonna save it first! after that we angerly went into our vehicles and went to save the kitten! little did we know this mission was part of the plan.

When we got to Jake's Mountain Ryder told Everest to clear the path for him. we kept going and going til I called out, LOOK OVER THERE! the 2 of them looked and saw the kitten. 
Good job Skye! said Ryder. I smirked at Everest while she looked at me upsettingly. but when we went up to it, it ran away. we were confused. then we remembered it was because it was Mayor Humdinger's cat so it doesn't like us. but we kept calling to it but then it kept running away from us until we finally got to it but then it surprisingly jumped across an abyss.
That is some cat that Humdinger has. said Everest surprised. so then Ryder told me to go over there and grab him with my harness I listened but as I was about to go I gloated to Everest, told you I was gonna save the kitten.
OH SHUT UP! said Everest angerly. I chuckled and replied, someone's mad. you gonna cry little baby? Everest was furious at this point and said, WHY YOU LITTLE-. Ryder stopped the fighting and said, GIRLS! please focus on saving this kitten okay!
okay. sorry Ryder. we both said. after that we went back on the mission I went across the abyss and was about to grab the kitten but all of the sudden it disappeared.
the kitten's missing for some reason! I yelled. 
Well it's all your fault! said Everest. if you hadn't of gloated at me this would've never happened
seriously.. i said all annoyed. after that I was about to tell Everest to keep looking around when all of the sudden my helicopter stop working and I started crashing. luckily I made to where Everest was but my helicopter fell into the abyss and exploded. 
hehe! looks like someone wasn't paying attention. mocked Everest.
OH SHUT UP! I could've died. not like you care anyways. I started going into to tears and Everest starting feeling bad. 
Skye, listen, began Everest. I- but at that moment everything started rumbling and shaking. IT WAS AN EARTHQUAKE! But then...............


(i want to get to the last chapter but i need to think of ideas and im going to Florida for a week this Friday) so ill try the Saturday after this Saturday!)

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