nine - fireworks

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Wave To Earth

You were waiting at the entrance of the summer festival, alone

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You were waiting at the entrance of the summer festival, alone. Waiting for Satoru and the others. You began to feel anxious about this, you were nervously fidgeting around with your little purse as you waited.

"[name]-chan!" Your head perked up to see Satoru, just satoru. Where was Suguru and Shoko? Not trying to be mean, but you would be alone with him. You waved over, beginning to walk over to him. You noticed his dark colored Yukata, which made him look beautiful as always.

"Where's Ieiri and Geto?" you asked, looking up at him. You were taking in this entire moment, seeing Satoru with a Yukata on.

He scratched his neck, then looked back down at you. "They said they would meet up with us later, for now we can enjoy the festival for ourselves." He said giving a cheeky look.

"Oh, okay." You replied, you tried to stay calm as he stood right in front of you. You were flustered, staring up at his tall exterior.

"Let's go." He said, pulling you along. You were enjoying the moment, while the two of you entered the festival grounds.

The both of you walked around for a little a little bit, looking at all the stalls of food and games. Till Satoru stopped at a shooting range stall.

"Oh! Let me play this, I'll win you something!" He told you, beginning to take out some money to pay the seller with.

"Oh, okay." You mumbled softly, watching him begin to pay the man. He got a gun that had fake bullets in it, as he got into position to shoot the targets. "This is one's for you, [Name]-chan." He declared proudly, as he got back into position.

You felt your heart stop in that moment, you watched as he would shoot this shot for you. He looked determined to win a prize for you.

Though in the next second, he missed the target. "Gah?!" He shouted out, in complete disbelief as he missed his first shot. He only had two shots left now.

You laughed awkwardly, seeing how his confidence slowly went down. "Keep trying..." you softly told him, cheering for him to keep going.

Eventually on his last shot, he got it. He got a smaller prize than he intended, but it was still worth it. The seller handed him the small plushie, as you both began to walk away from the stall.

"Thank you." You thanked him, as he handed the stuffed animal to you. You looked down at it, just remembering that Satoru won this for you.

"It's no problem, I just made myself feel like an idiot for missing the first try." He said, adding an awkward chuckle at the end. He was too confident about winning and getting it the first try.

"It's okay, I'm glad you didn't give up."

He glanced over at you, getting stuck at your side features. You were examining all over the plushie, looking at every single detail. You hadn't even noticed his staring. Satoru was actually starting to notice you more now, the time you've both been spending together for the past few weeks and days.

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