Spring Breaks Loose, But so does Fear

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                           WILL  SOLACE

Though I can feel the train moving through every bone in my body, the vehicle seems noiseless, muffled by the panic echoing in my otherwise empty, voided mind. I struggle to keep the anxieties out of my thoughts, but its relentless nature winds me with every blow. As I peer out at my friends, I'm somewhat touched by the observation that they don't look exactly "cool as cucumbers" either.

    The person who presents themself as the closest to collected is of course the famed war hero Perseus "Percy" Jackson. After fighting so many battles, you'd expect the son of Poseidon would know how to put up an exceptionally convincing façade. After knowing each other for as long as we have, I like to think that we've become good friends, especially now that I'm dating Nico Di Angelo, whom to him, is practically a relative related by blood. I must say that I do admire that he agreed to go on this quest, especially with all of the needless hardships the gods have put him through in past years. You'd think being a major component in two world-altering prophecies would be enough to please fate, but I guess one of those ugly sisters has it out for him.

Speaking of Nico, I can see him out of the corner of my eye, quietly positioned towards the back of the crowd, distant from the others. I've noticed how he usually prefers to disappear in times of anxiety or meaning. We started going out about just over a year ago, six months after the second great war. I hate sounding all mushy, but I can't imagine my life without him in it, sort of like it was meant to be? People often find it odd since our personalities clash, but don't opposites attract?

To his left is his half-sister Hazel Levesque, who must be pleased that we are going to be staying at a place that is more her era. She still has trouble adjusting to this modern-day setting, so I assume it's comparable to a breath of fresh air. Despite her small size, you do not want to mess with her, it's pretty scary stuff. Do not be turned away by this though, be kind to her and you will be rewarded with one of the greatest friendships one could ask

Just in front of them, the other two blondes of the group, Annabeth Chase and Jason Grace, are immersed in conversation about gods knows what. Despite not always being the sharpest tool in the box, Jason is one of the few people who can keep up with girl, even if it's just by a thread. His sister, Thalia, was invited to take part in the quest, but had a strong commitment to the Hunters of Artemis which prevented her from doing so. The two have only been recently reunited after many years of not being aware of the other's existence. Annabeth held a strong relationship with Thailia, ever since they both ran away from home to Camp Half Blood together about ten years ago. She had shocked me when she agreed to tag along, though I suspect it was only because she is too prideful to turn down an opportunity as such, and that her boyfriend Percy was so insistent on coming and the two are practically attached at the hip. She's been a key factor in the first two great wars as well as Percy, and needed a much longer break (if that's what you would call it) than 13 months.

To the left of me is the great Frank Zhang, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion, or more rather, Frank Zhang, formerly the Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. In order to be here he made the decision to sacrifice his respected position until he gets back. The right decision, I think? I'm not too educated on Roman politics. As I observe him I notice that he seems to be... looking around aimlessly? No, that can't be right. I try my best to follow his eye until it stops and focuses on something off to the side of the group.

I gradually turn my head to the focus of his gaze, and it leads directly to the hands of Leo Valdez, or what's inside of his hands more specifically. Leo, being a son of Hephaestus is naturally gifted at building all sorts of gadgets, for example a full-scale, sentient, bronze dragon, as well as a flying warship. Even with this noble talent he is still more of a mischievous type. What he held in his hands had the face of something innocent with no cruel intention, but I would bet you almost anything that it held more consequence than that.

    To his right the objectively beautiful Piper McLean peers over at the mechanism with a grin steadily making its way across her face. Her smile doesn't match her eyes, unlike Leo they show a look of concern on how the situation will work out. This difference in thought process hasn't stopped her and Leo being best friends however, especially since they went to school together before they even found out about their godly lineage. I heard that at their old school they were definitely not the greatest of influences, or at least didn't exactly try to be great ones, but those are just rumors and if they are true, they've for sure changed now.

    I look back towards the tracks and suddenly the train is just right in front of me, almost unreal, like a mirage that if I were to touch it then it would just simmer out into nothing. The last 2 weeks of preparation have culminated to this point, our mission finally begins and it's just sitting there, no confetti or balloons, no banner, no telling what will come next. I march forward to the entrance, like a soldier on his way to the front lines of war, spitting in the face of danger, unfazed by it.

    Well, you know what they say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step.

- - a u t h o r ' s n o t e s - -

first chapter of my first book ever! short, admittedly, but the ones following will be longer i promise! honestly i've just always been a fan of the first chapter being shorter. Ack i know that my writing is just sooo wordy but i'm working on it so pls bear with me!

the title of this chapter comes from the song "ivy" by taylor swift which is SO TOTALLY GOOD omg listen to it!

if you haven't yet please make sure to read the introduction chapter! it explains a lot and has links to this stories spotify playlist and pinterest board <3

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