Mr Football Man

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The show ended better than ever, and the crowd got quieter as the night went on. But I was still out of breath by the end of the night. My mom was waiting for me at the end of the show like she usually is and me and my dancers had a night of celebration and sleep.

It was the last show before we took our break and we wanted to hang out and drink together. My mom stopped me as I was walking to my dressing room, her arms wide and she had a huge grin on her face

"Great job honey!" I chuckle and take her in for a hug, my after show nerves calming.

"Thanks" I say, smiling at myself that I have broken all my voice rules the past two days now

"You going out with the group tonight?" She asks, I put my hands behind my back and give her a toothy smile

"Yup, it's going to be weird being off tour" I look around the venue,

"I bet, but it's going to be nice. You will have time to work on your music or even just relax" she shrugs

"Relax, ha, funny" I roll my eyes knowing someone will need me somewhere in the next few months

"Taylor, you can't overwork yourself so much" her face shifts to a worried expression

"I know. I will, promise" I tilt my head to the side taking her hand, she nods at me I lean down so she can kiss my cheek before she walks off

"Love you" she waves behind her shoulder

"Love you too ma" I smile and walk to my dressing room. I was far from ready to take my boots off and get a glass of champagne.

The dressing room was empty when I got in, lucky enough my mom had pulled out a outfit for me to wear so I didn't have to do any work. I tried moving as fast as I could to get my clothes on but all my muscles were sore and I wanted to sleep so badly.

I ended up plopping down on the little couch I had in the room and grabbing my phone. Before I even opened it I hoped Travis had texted me. Thankfully he had, making me feel like a teenage girl again

Travis Kelce: Hello Mrs Taylor, it's been a little while. I hope your tours going well. I heard your going on a break, I'd love to spend time with you sometime, if you'd be up to it

My heart pounded, I felt it in my chest and heard it in my ears. I was a mess and it felt good. I didn't have to worry, my heart took my where it wanted to go

Me: Please, call me Taylor. I'd love to spend time with you sometime, we would obviously have to plan something soon, my schedule changes very fast

Travis Kelce: Okay, Taylor. Just hit me up whenever your free and we can go out sometime or you can watch me play

I giggled at how fats he responded and how he said my name made me want to kick my feet. I threw my head back and smiles at the ceiling before looking back at my phone, thinking about how to answer without sounding needy

Me: Mr Kelce, are you trying to ask me out on a date? I don't think you know me very well, I can't do dates. As much as I love my fans I don't love their cameras sometimes.

I lick my lips, hopefully that wasn't too flirty. My head was racing and I just wanted him to answer me

Travis Kelce: right, shows our fam levels then. How about we just keep talking and maybe we could call or like I said we could go to a game and a after party together next month?

My jaw almost hit the floor, he wanted to call me!? Even better he wanted to to go to his game and meet his team. I didn't know how to respond I just felt like a child.

The only thing k could do was squeal and text him back

Me: I would love that, send me your schedule

Taylor and TravisWhere stories live. Discover now