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I was waiting for Trav at the end of the hallways where the locker rooms were, Blake and Ryan had gotten their ride back to my hotel where we would all hang out for the night. It felt like the first night when I waited for Travis, but this time we were dating and it had been for a month already. I knew it was a short timeline but the connection felt as if we knew each other for lifetimes.

I'm not worried but I knew I also wasn't alone which scared me in a new way. People were always there, paparazzi, reporters, and guards, but this was more like watchmen. Not paying attention to me which felt nice, but I definitely wasn't used to it after years of the spotlight.

"Hey baby girl" I hear Travis' voice and I snap my attention back to him. My face lights up and I pull him into a tight hug. I feel his chest fall and his muscles relax. His body is warm but not sweaty and he didn't smell nearly as bad as I thought. I smiled at the thought of him gross and sweaty. If only.

"You did great" I pull away, taking his hand which fits perfectly in mine. He kissed my cheek and thanked me, the feeling of his lips lingered on my cheek

"I'm glad you guys could make it" We make our way down the hall, hands held tightly together

"I'm glad we did too, I'm going to every game. You guys are incredible!" I keep talking, Travis only looking away from me when we need security or when someone comes up to him. Otherwise, I feel his eyes trained on the side of my head while we walk.

"You're cute when you get excited" I put my head down, face red. I feel his hand slip from mine and my hand goes cold without his. But, I feel his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer. My stomach is doing flips and I can't keep a straight thought going. "has no one ever told you that?" he asks, sounding worried

"No, they have. But you are different" I look up at him, he's smiling ear to ear, cheeks also pink like mine. I'm about to say something again when I feel it. My eyes widen and my heart leaps in a bad way. "Where is the bathroom?" I ask, he catches my concern and points down the hall only two doors away.

"Everything okay?" he asks and I nod, trying to act calm and I speed walk to the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall, scared about what I knew happened. As soon as I took my shorts off the blood had gone through my underwear.

"shit" I mumble, throwing my head back. I had nothing to help me either. So I did the most girl thing I could do, I stuffed toilet paper up my pants and took a breath. Luckily the bathroom was empty and I checked myself in the mirror. I looked okay, maybe a little tired under my makeup but I was fine. Being tired was my best friend, I knew it wasn't right but touring was my life and I not so secretly loved it.

As I walked out, where Trav was waiting, foot tapping and scrolling on his phone. He snaps his head up to look at me, eyes looking me up and down. "You alright?" he asks, taking my hand as soon as I reach him. I nod

"Can we head out, I seriously have to go home" his eyebrows twist together but leads me to the car without another word.

The ride is short but seems to drag on, his hand is on my thigh and I have my head leaned back on the headrest, so ready to change out of the shorts and take care of myself. I sighed and Travis finally said something

"Are you really okay?" he tilts his head so I'm forced to look at him, I take a breath

"Yeah, just-" I pause, thinking of the right way to tell a football player I got my period at his football game.

"You can tell me," his voice is low and calm as he speaks. My eyes fall into his and I have to catch my breath and remember what I was talking about.

"Blood" I say in the most discreet way I can put it. His face looks confused before it finally clicks and his jaw drops a little.

"Oh," he starts, making me smile "Need anything?" he moves his hand from my thigh to my hand and squeezes it

"Just to get back to the hotel and take care of myself" I shrug, his face falling, upset he can't help more but in reality, a massage sounded like heaven.

"Okay," we fall silent again but I rest my head on his shoulder and relax. Sadly the drive was speeding up and minutes were flying past when I wanted them to slow down.

"Do you have a favorite chocolate?" he asks eventually,

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