Next Game

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When I walked into the stadium I could hear the crowd already. We were going against the Jets and I had all hope we would win. I knew I would be with some people I knew, which didn't bother me; what worried me was the cameras. I knew the jumbotron was on me at all time and who knew what the TVs were showing.

I pulled my jacket a little tighter around me and held my chest high waking into the box. It wasn't full yet but voices were flying. People smiled and waved to me, many asking for a picture or my autograph.

"Taylor!" I heard someone call my name, it was Blake and her crew. My face lit up and I walked to her giving her a side hug and having to the others.

"You ready?" I ask, rubbing my hands together like the villains do in almost every cartoon

"I'm ready for it" Ryan winks, mentioning my song. I shove his shoulder and laugh. Drinks go around and I grab one, taking a long sip, almost spilling all over myself.

"Careful!" Blake laughs, reaching up to grab the cup that was raised to my lips.

"I got it dont worry" I smile and we make our way to our seats, the air is chill but not cold and it reminds me of good fall weather. I smile, scanning the crowd for little fans. There where a group, all wearing bright red holing up signs with little references to songs of mine and Travis' number. I guess the news traveled fast, we hadn't been together long but we spent almost all our time together or texting. My relationship didn't feel like a big secret anymore, but I liked that it was still private (to an extent).

The speakers roared and players came running down, the bass rang through my stomach and it made me think of the Eras tour. Which I had somewhat missed, though I loved the free time I had now.

Players ran onto the field doing dances, or jumping like crazy. Blake's screams filled my ears before I joined her in the celebrations. Before I knew it Travis came running on, doing his signature bow and arrow move toward me, my face went pink and I smiled. I felt like a child again the way he did these sweet things for me.

"ooooo" Blake winks at me sticking her tongue out. I give her an exaggerated face and go back to the field.

I watched closely at Travis' moves, smiling at him the whole time. "How do you think this is going to end?" I ask Ryan he shrugs and leans over across Blake

"Cheifs all the way, but I've heard okay things about the jets."

"Yeah same" Blake agrees.

"I heard the same thing too," I nod and take a sip of my drink again.


The age is going well, we're in the lead and Travis is playing well. I'm watching the clock so hard that the numbers start going slow and my vision goes blurry. Blakes shakes me and I snap my head around her

"Taylor? You good?" she asks

"yeah, just a little worried"

"They got this down worry, and look at your man. He's playing great!" she moves her head to find him but I spot him first. pointing I'm out and smiling.

"There" she finds him and I mock munching Blake's stomach like the players tackle each other, making cartoon noises. Blake chuckles and hits my side shaking his head.

"You got lucky Swift" I got caught off guard, I was swift, but to her I was Taylor. It felt sort of warm called swift, like when Travis finally called me Tay. I felt wanted again. I smiled at Blake and Ryan leaned in raising her eyebrows.

"You take my wife I take your boyfriend" he teases. I throw my head back laughing, reassuring him Blake was all his. He wraps his arm around her and my stomach drops. I never wished a game to be over as much as I did this one. I missed him, even if Trav was going to be sweaty by the end of this all. Nothing felt safer than him.

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