Part 1: Royal Genes, Severed Blood

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Naruto(Inner Monologue): My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. I'm the eldest child of Minato Namikaze, Konoha's 4th Hokage & Yellow Flash, and Kushina Uzumaki, The Red Death. I have two younger sisters, whose names are Kitori & Shina, and they are nothing but spoiled brats who believe they can do and get whatever they want because they're the "Children of Prophecy". Today is our birthday, a day that I always despise since it shows how rotten this "family" of mine is and how much of a ghost I am to everyone. However, this birthday is different from the others since it marked the day of my permanent departure from this accursed village.

**A Few Minutes Before Naruto's Departure**

Naruto was sitting at the top of the stairs, overlooking the party going on down below with a bored look on his face.

Naruto: Hmm, another boring birthday, yay(Sarcastic tone).

However, something caught Naruto's eyes, causing him to focus and see Jiraya & Tsunade in the living room with everyone else, which is rare since one has a spy network & the other is the Head of Konoha's Medical Operations & Public Hospital. Seeing these two made a bad feeling slowly rise in Naruto's stomach.

Minato: *Taps on glass cup with a spoon* Alright everyone, let me gain your attention for these next few announcements.

Everyone would grow quiet and focus on Minato.

Minato: Alright, before anything else, Happy Birthday Kitori! Happy Birthday Shina!

Both: Thanks Papa!

Minato: Next, I wanted to say thank you to all that came today to celebrate my daughters birthday. It's a great show to how much we respect one another.

Everyone would clap their hands and give Minato a nod.

Minato: Now, lets get onto the more important details. As you all know, Me and My Wife's time will come one day and I don't want to let everything we worked so hard for, crumble to the ground. So, I've decided to name Kitori the Heir of the Namikaze Family and Kushina is naming Shina the Heir of the Uzumaki Clan!

Everyone would clap and cheer loudly, but Naruto was silently seething in anger, but continued listening.

Minato: Now, for the next announcement, I'll pass this onto Jiraya~Sensei & Tsunade!

Jiraya: Thanks Minato. Anyways, Me and Tsunade~Hime wanted to give Kitori and Shina some powerful and responsible gifts for their birthday!

Jiraya would pull a giant red scroll off his back and open it up.

Jiraya: I've decided to make one of you an apprentice like your father, Tsunade~Hime is gonna do the same with the other.

Both: Yay!

Tsunade: Shina, you'll be Jiraya's student, Kitori, you're gonna be with me.

Shina: Aww, I have to be with Pervy~Sage?!

Kitori: Sorry sis, I've always wanted to learn medical ninjutsu anyways. You know my Chakra control is better then yours anyways.

Shina: Yeah, I guess so.

A loud crash was heard from the top of the stairs, causing one of the guests, Shisui Uchiha, to Body Flicker up there to check it out. Once he got up there, he would see Naruto sitting on the edge of an open window with a backpack on his shoulder.

Shisui: Naruto, what are you doing?

Naruto would look back at Shisui and sigh.

Naruto: I'm leaving.

Shisui: Leaving? Why?

Naruto: Shisui~San, if it wasn't obvious, this family, this village, it's nothing but a pain to be in. I can't even walk down the street without being looked at like a plague or some disappointment, I'm gonna leave and I may never come back.

Shisui would sigh and smile at Naruto before tossing him a scroll.

Shisui: Good luck Naruto, and Happy Birthday.

Naruto would smile softly and catch the scroll.

Naruto: Thanks Shisui~San. Tell Itachi that I hope he gets better.

With that, Naruto would hop out of the window and disappear into the shadows.

Shisui: Of course, just be safe out there, Naruto.

Naruto would leave the Leaf Village and, eventually, the Land Of Fire. He would walk for a few hours and arrive in the Land Of Hot Water, which is where Naruto took temporary shelter in for a few days. However, as Naruto was resting one night, his senses would go off and he would dodge an attack from a red, three-bladed scythe.

Naruto: WHAT THE-

Another swipe came his way, causing Naruto to back away and throw a kunai towards the attacker, but, to the shock and horror of Naruto, the attacker would tank the kunai and laughed maniacally.

???: NICE TRY KID!!! However, Lord Jashin has given me his blessings for a reason!!! No matter what you do, I WILL NEVER DIE!!!!

Naruto would be left stunned, leaving him open for a split second, allowing the crazed attacker to nick him on the shoulder with his scythe.

Naruto: Huh? I expected that to cut me deeper than this.

???: I am Hidan!! Leader of the Jashin Cult and true avatar of Lord Jashin Himself!! Allow me to show you what other blessings Lord Jashin has bestowed upon me!!

Hidan would lick Naruto's blood, causing his skin to turn black and white like a skeleton, and make a symbol on the ground before pulling out a black pike and stabbing himself in the shoulder, making a wound appear on Naruto's shoulder and blood begin to pour out.

Naruto: Wh-What the.....?!?!

Hidan would laugh louder and stab himself in the thigh, causing another wound to appear on Naruto and make him fall to the ground in pain.

Naruto: Y-Y-Your a-attacks a-ar--are!!!

Hidan: Being shared with you!!! YES!! As long as I have the blood of my enemy and I stand within this symbol, any wound I acquire will be shared with my opponent!! And since I'm immortal, I will never die from my own attacks!!! SUFFER SINNER!!!!

Hidan would puncture his left lung, causing Naruto to cough up blood and black out from the pain.

Naruto(Inner Monologue): A-Am I dead?!?

???: Augmenting Uzumaki genes by 200%, unlocking Fuinjutsu Mastery, Adamantine Chains, and Enhanced Regeneration.

Suddenly, Naruto would feel air return to his lungs and he would wake up abruptly, surprising Hidan.

Hidan: Ehh?! You're still alive?!?! Well, no matter, I wanted to prolong your suff-

Hidan would be smacked to the side and would hit a tree, dazing him for a few moments. Naruto, on the other hand, would stand back up with all of his wounds gone and golden, glowing chains coming from his back.

Naruto: Whoa! This is awesome!

Hidan would shake his head and growl slightly.

Hidan: HEY! You were supposed to die, not get back up and fight back!!!

Naruto: Sorry, I don't feel like dying today! Now, how about you go and take a bath!!

Naruto's chains would wrap around Hidan and throw him over a nearby waterfall, causing the Jashinist to be carried off by the hot, speeding current.

Naruto: Cults, I knew I had a reason to stay away from them. Now, I should probably get out of here. If what that crazy guy said is true, then he'll definitely return to try and kill me. But, the question is: Where do I g-ARGHHH!!

Naruto would hold onto his head as he felt memories rush throughout his head. After a few seconds, Naruto would open his eyes while panting heavily and smile slightly.

Naruto: Uzushiogakure!

To Be Continued....

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