Part 5: The Chunin Exams Begin

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3 Months have passed by and the time for the Chunin Exams was around the corner. Naruto had enhanced the strength of the Sound Village by bestowing some Bloodlines to different ninja groups and to Orochimaru's strongest men. Naruto ended up becoming Orochimaru's Second-Hand Man and Unofficial Future Husband, which he didn't see as a huge problem, but Kaina was starting to become more unstable with how close Naruto & Orochimaru were, so Naruto decided to fix this before it became a issue later on.

**In The Spectral Lands World**

Naruto was sitting on a chair and was looking between The Snake Sannin and Kaina, who were looking at one another with challenging looks, causing the red-head to sigh and get their attention.

Naruto: Alright, we need to nip this in the bud right now.

Kaina: I agree! She's trying to seduce you and keep you under her thumb!

Orochimaru: Kukuku~~ Now, that just isn't true, you're just being jealous. I don't blame you for that, after all, I am beautiful and contain tons of "experience"~~

Kaina would glare at the Snake and generate a bone blade, which made Orochimaru laugh and go to reach for her Kusanagi Blade until Naruto would use his Forest Release and spawn vines that held the girls down and make them look at him.

Naruto: Listen closely and do not interrupt me. *Looks at Kaina* Kaina~Chan, I appreciate that you show your absolute loyalty to me along with your admiration and love, however, you cannot try keep others, women especially, from trying to express their feelings towards me, good or bad. If you continue to express this childish behavior, I will cut you loose and leave you behind, is that understood?

Kaina would tear up and nod her head.

Kaina: I apologize, Naruto~Sama. I promise to improve myself and not act out again!

Naruto: *Looks towards Orochimaru* Orochimaru, our alliance just started and I do believe it can become stronger. However, you will not antagonize my people or try any slick manners with me to help you become stronger. I want you to remember these words carefully: No matter where you go, where you hid, or who you have on your side, I will always know how you think, how you act, and how you feel. I know everything about you; Your fears, goals, strengths, and weaknesses, I know them all, so don't EVER think that I need you or your little Village, cause I don't. Everything you've built, can and will be destroyed if you ever try to play with me or my people, are we clear?

Orochimaru would lower her head slightly and a few tears would slip out.

Orochimaru: V-Very well, I'll be sure to keep my intrusive thoughts and actions to myself.

Naruto: Thank you. Now, the two of you make up and let's get to work.

Naruto would release the vines on them and the two girls would shake hands and share a hug while apologizing, making the red-head smile and open a portal back to Oto.

*One Week Later; Location: Hidden Leave Village**

Naruto, Kaina, and Tayuya, one of Orochimaru's Sound Four, entered the gates of Konoha and got to their hotel room, where Tayuya was stomping her foot on the ground repeatedly in annoyance.

Tayuya: Why do I have to participate in this shitty exam?!

Naruto: Because, Orochimaru can just be slick like that. Plus, you said you get tired of being in the backlines supporting everyone and not being able to have any fun, so this is a perfect opportunity to have some fun, ya know?

Tayuya would glare at Naruto before turning her head away and huffing loudly.

Kaina: Come on, Tayuya~Chan, you know what Naru~Sama said was true.

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