Full Moon in Sunshine

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A miasma of vapers lingered in the air; the floor vibrated uncontrollably under the influence of the earsplitting speakers. Dozens of bodies pressed up against one another, exhilarated and in a state of bliss as they bounced to the beat. The dance floor transformed into a kaleidoscope of bodies, each pulsating with energy and lost in the rhythm. Waves of euphoria washed over the crowd, carrying them further into a realm of freedom and liberation. Sweat dripped from their brows, intermingling with the colorful lights that bathed the room in a mesmerizing glow.

In this haven of nocturnal revelry, time seemed to lose all meaning. The thumping bass reverberated through their veins, connecting them in a collective trance. Strangers became friends as they moved in unison, their movements synchronized by the invisible threads of melody. The atmosphere crackled with unspoken desire. From every corner, muffled laughter and tenuous whispers drifted on the airwaves. The layers of sounds intertwined like vines as each individual became part of something bigger than themselves.

Amidst the chaos, Callum centered himself. He embraced the chaos, allowing it to swirl around him like a tempest. Life had become nothing more than a blur of self-indulgent vices. Night and day became irrelevant as time lost its hold over Callum. He reveled in the present moment; intoxicated and elated, no longer burdened by the past nor pressured by the future. Each passing second held infinite possibilities, and he relished the freedom that came with living in the here and now. Moving from city to city, never setting roots or forming any lasting connections, Callum was a master of drifting through life like a ghost. Always one step ahead of responsibility and commitment.

Across the room Thayer leaned against the black granite bar, he casually sipped on a poisonous apple martini as his periwinkle eyes roamed the crowded dance floor. A mischievous grin played across his shimmering-glossed lips as his eyes fell on an Adonis. Thayer sauntered through the crowd, playfully rejecting the patrons that hadn't piqued his interest, hands grazed over his body sending shivers of anticipation through him. His body swayed to the music as he moved with a confident grace. He closed the distance between himself and his target. His slender hips teasingly swirled as he used his admirers as tools in the game of tantalizing seductions. A surge of excitement enthralled Thayer when he met the hungry golden gaze of his Adonis.

Electricity surged through their connected eyes, Thayer lifted his arms and wrapped them around a stranger's neck as he rubbed himself against the other's body. A tease, challenging his conquest to come and lay claim. A devilish grin took shape across Callum's full lips as he watched the seducer allure unsuspecting victims in like a siren's song. Callum swept his tongue over his bottom lip; he mazed through the crowd to claim his prize.

"Hey there, mind if I join in," Callum practically whispered into Thayer's ear unconcerned with the competitive stares from the men that entangled the pink haired man.

Thayer lifted a lazy gaze, his lips half-skewed, "Not at all. The more the merrier," he taunted flirtatiously.

A low sultry growl rolled through Callum's throat as his muscular and domineering arm punctured through the minimal space between Thayer's feminine figure and the beefcake pinned against him. His arm wrapped firmly around the curve of Thayer's waist and yanked him away from the other two until their chests flushed together "I don't share."

Heat filled Thayer's periwinkle eyes, sweat glittered his body as anticipation aroused every nerve. The men that had been previously dancing with this little cotton-candy haired minx griped but quicky moved on to the next blissed out patron lost in the heat of the night. Thayer moved effortlessly to the beat as he always maintained some form of body contact with his Adonis. The crowd slipped away as their bodies fell into perfect harmony, the music vibrated through their bodies and the mesmerizing display of colorful lights flitted across them. Not a soul dared encroach their space due to Callum's predatory aura, Thayer had been content in being ensnared by this creature.

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