8: Collecting Sweet Nothings

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"I have a fight in Denver this Saturday, wanna come? The team reserved some rooms for the weekend," Riley asked Noah as they distanced themselves from the gym. "We'll leave Friday afternoon and come back Sunday evening."

Noah walked in a daze; his fingers mindlessly pressed against his lips as the memory of Callum's lips against his own imprinted within them. The kiss had been quick, chaste even, he doubted it'd even be rememberable to Callum, but those brief moments played on a loop in Noah's head. He couldn't shake the memory of how Callum's hand carved a path along his back, the flare of desire that sparked within his golden eyes, and the gentleness of his voice with every word he spoke. Callum's actions had been kindling to a desire that stirred withing Noah, a desire that simmered just beneath the surface, waiting for the moment to ignite into a wild, consuming flame.

In a swift, practiced motion, Riley skillfully swung his arm around Noah's shoulders, pulled him in close and smoothly transitioned into a playful headlock. With a mischievous grin, Riley then proceeded to rub his knuckles teasingly over the top of Noah's head, eliciting a yelp and peals of laughter from his friend. "I'm starting to feel neglected here!" he playfully quipped.

"I'm sorry!" Noah wheezed as he squirmed around to free himself. "I'm sorry! What were you saying?"

"That I'm picking you up four pm sharp Friday night and wisping you away for a weekend of beer, blood and sweat in Denver."

"I don't know, Riles," Noah ceased his struggles, his gaze shifted uneasily. Cities made Noah uncomfortable, they were overflowing with an assortment of different humans and fae, each displaying distinct reactions to his demonic nature. Some would worship the ground Noah walked, devoting themselves to him with a strange fervor and proudly declaring their vile deeds in his name. Others would lash out at him, brimming with a hatred that seemed unquenchable, willing to risk their lives to take down a single warlock. The majority, however, remained cautious, sparing daggered glances filled with fear. These were the ones who would cross the street to avoid him and hastily abandon any establishment Noah entered. And then there were the other wolves on the Nightstalker team. None went out of their way to make Noah feel unwelcome, perse, but neither did they make him feel welcomed. Noah felt like a specter among the Nightstalkers. He was a presence that sent a shiver down their spines, but they could brush off the eerie sensations as a mere chill by choosing to ignore the unsettling feeling Noah's presence caused.

Riley's eyes lit up with anticipation, his bottom lip puckered out. "Picture this, Smalls: it's my first big fight of the season, and I can't imagine anyone else standing by my side. Rooting me on, celebrating with me, basking in the limelight. Plus, Coach managed to snag us some rooms in this real ritzy hotel- we're talking marble floors and a breathtaking view. And can you believe it? The bathroom has one of those jacuzzi tubs you've always wanted to try. Oh, let's not forget that that ridiculously spicy curry- the one only dragons should consume- that you love. It's on me. Come on, buddy, it'll be a weekend to remember!"

Noah couldn't help but laugh amusedly at the picture Riley had painted. "I couldn't possibly say no after that," Noah conceded. Riley beamed as Noah spoke. "I'll go on one condition." Riley hummed expectantly. "You have to share a bowl of that dragon curry with me."

"You drive a hard bargain... My stomach and asshole are gonna hate me, but you've got yourself a deal!"


"Go on," Riley urged.

Noah smiled nervously, "You have to promise to not be upset if I start feeling uncomfortable when out and about and need to go back to the hotel."

"Noah," Riley stopped and pulled Noah, so they stood face-to-face. "I would never be upset over something like that. If you feel overwhelmed even for a second, I will go back to the hotel with you. Fuck, I'll kick anyone's ass that looks at yah the wrong way. I'll be your personal bodyguard for the weekend, anything you need. You get."

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