5: Stutter

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"How'd you get your hands on this?" Callum lifted the bottle against the rays of sun streaming in from the window. Within the iridescent green liquid, golden flakes danced like a thousand tiny fireflies. "It's been banned in the states since the seventies."

"A friend gave it to me as a graduation gift," Noah rifled through the top drawer of a plastic bin.

Callum observed Noah as he nonchalantly filled a kettle with water from a gallon jug and place it on a small electric burner. To call the limited space a kitchenette would have been far too kind as the space consisted of one countertop that only extended half the wall. Built into the counter was a two-burner stove top but no oven. Taking up the limited counter space was a slim single-serve coffee machine and a small conventional oven. Underneath the counter a mini fridge that barely touched Noah's hip in height tucked snug with more fridge space than freezer space. Next to the mini fridge was a large plastic bin with drawers that made up for the lack of cabinet space. Noah's disinterest in the exquisite bottle of liquor baffled Callum, upon further inspection he could tell there had been several swigs taken from the bottle. "Good friend," Callum finally deliberated, "Is dabbling in illegal goods a hobby for them?"

"It's more a profession than a hobby," Noah answered casually.

"Is that all I'm gonna get?"


"Alright." Callum fiddled with the cork, "What d'yah say? Let's crack this open," he suggested eagerly.

Noah smiled and shook his head. "I wouldn't dare," he replied as he reached for the cups of noodles. He emptied the contents of three into a large bowl that Riley had brought over during one of their movie nights.

"Why not?" Callum pouted. "I'm a great drinking buddy."

"You're a handful sober," Noah chuckled softly. The sound nearly caught Callum off guard. "I can't imagine how bad you'd get after one shot of that."

The kettle whistled as steam released from the spout. Noah removed it from the burner and turned the stovetop off. He poured the hot water over the noodles in the bowl, then the remainder into his own prepackaged cup.

"I thought you didn't have much of an appetite." Noah flinched as Callum suddenly appeared beside him. "Why did you put so much in one bowl?"

"It's for you," Noah said pointedly.


Noah cocked his head upwards with a quizzical brow, "Would one have been enough for you?"

"Not a chance," Callum jested as he set the bottle down on the counter and reached for the steaming bowl of instant noodles. He hastily retreated to the desk; the chair creaked under his weight as he plopped down. With a voracious appetite, he slurped down long and winding strands of noodles mixed with bits of rehydrated veggies and spices. The satisfying warmth filled his belly. As he worked fervently to consume every last bite, he couldn't help but stifle a chuckle as he watched the werewolf devour his meal. As if it were a sacred feast in honor of Selene herself. Callum brought the bowl to his lips and savored each satisfying gulp of the savory broth. "Ahh," he exhaled in contentment, he set the bowl down on the desk and reclined in the chair. He pat his stomach, "that hit the spot."

Noah ate his own cup of noodles in a slower more conserved way. "I have some snacks if you're still hungry."

"What yah got?" Callum perked as his stomach rallied in excitement.

Noah placed the cup down on the counter and bent down to rifle through a large four-drawer plastic bin snuggly tucked underneath the countertop. "Flaming hot Cheetos, nutterbutter cookies, marshmallows..."

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