2: Demon Static

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Beware the warlocks in the dead of night. Their smokey gaze so tempting, but their intentions not quite right. A touch of darkness to lure you in closer, their monstrous desires will consume you with guile. Their honeyed whispers, so seductive and sweet mask a venom filled with deceit. They'll weave their enchantments, until you're at their feet. The lust in their magic, so alluring and wild. Do not fall for their bewitchments for they will ensnare you within dark confines, where your soul will be at their mercy. Heed this warning, do not let their deceitful charms lead you astray.

A scourge.

A product from the union of demonic and fae blood. A beacon of fear, nightmares, and deliciously vile sins, a reminder to the mortal realm of all the carnage the Abyss possesses. A loophole sliced through the Grand Divine set by the Primordial Creators by a single woman with an unquenchable thirst for power and knowledge. A woman scorned, if you will, created from the Earth of a heaven that no longer existed. Loved by a man, with conditions of course, and when those conditions went unmet, she had been cast out into the terrors of a waring world. Her existence was a scourge, an anomaly, and she was determined.

She whispered into the ear of a naïve witch, the youngest of the moon trinity, a child in her elder age and all too willing to befriend the enchanting woman. The woman learned the ways of the moon, illusions, rituals, and so much more. Her thirst unquenchable as she abandoned the naïve goddess and found herself in a realm bathed in blood. There she met another woman, more mature in her ideals, a dark temptress and ruthless fae queen. Through this vicious beauty she learned the arts of war and protection. During the nights when their world silenced, the two would intertwine in the throes of passion, the woman had tasted the metallic power and felt a touch that could only be described as divine. However, as time wore on, this two left the woman insatiable for more. The fae queen, expecting her lover was left with nothing but the bitterness of baneberries on her tongue. The woman bore on, exploring the evolving world around her.

When she happened upon a crone, too old to count, she learned of the roots of the world. Both the weave hidden below the Earth's crust and the invisible force within the air. She learned of a sight far greater than perceptions could allow; past, present, and future woven together in a grand display as old scars opened and scars to come sliced her. She learned of the delicate balance between fae and Earth, the healing properties, and the whispers of history drifting along the wind. Their time would be the shortest, there had been so much more the woman wished she could have learned from the crone. But as the eldritch tree burned at the hands of the humans the crone's agonized cries reached the Heavens and the Hells, slicing through the boundaries of the realms as the ancient life within her withered to ash.

Distraught. Angry. A vehement rage festered within the woman. Humans were the true scourge of this beautiful Earth that had been crafted from stardust. They built these civilizations for the soul intent of destruction. They reaped the bounty of Earth, massacring both fae and humankind. They needed to be stopped. They needed to taste the despair, hated, and treachery that they so willfully spread.

Seizing advantage over the rifts sliced through the realms the woman fell through the layers of the Hell Domains, until she reached the Abyss Kingdom. There she whispered into the ear of the Abyss Prince, seducing him with promises of unbridled power, promises that he would one day walk the mortal realm unhindered, and his legions would reign supreme. The dark temptress soothed the Abyss Prince and soon absorbed his seed within her womb. She would return to the mortal realm and give birth to a new species, a demonic fae that would rip away the natural order of magic and spread the Abyss' will like a swarm of locusts. Created in her image her demonic fae would be beautiful, tantalizing creatures blessed with the charms and bloodlust she'd learned from her naïve goddess and fae queen. They would command both fear and love. And. It would be simply divine as the woman would watch the mortal world unravel around itself.

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