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Kim has been here for about a week and its going pretty noice tbh. I'm still depressed and its getting worse each day.. I walk to school even though its cold as shit outside but oh well. I get to school and I rush inside before they see me because bullying n stuff...Then I get pushed into a locker by the popular girl bee she is a drama queen and gets whatever she wants. I start to pick up my books when someone gives me my math book I look up to see one of the most popular boys Will honestly he is handsome I blush because  he smiled at me and asked if I wanted to walk to class together in my mind I was flipping out because he is MY crush and he's popular! we get to class and he sits next to me and not next to bee hmm..  Will you can sit with bee if you want I say quietly he responds with a no I rather sit you because I like you... oh Will I like you to! I say and grab his hand and rub it. He's shy around girls I  guess. Me and Will end up picking each other for a project because why not. Will asks if I could come over after school for a little bit I said sure and texted Grace that I won't be home right away after school she says okay back.

( AT WILLS HOUSE) Nice house Will I say Thanks he smiles I blush once again. we walk up to his room and I see these computers and a mic stand why do you have these Will? I ask oh I'm  a Youtuber!  wait what is your channel? Kiinqtonq Omg no way I watch your vids not to sound weird.. oh its okay how did you not know my voice or accent? idk but I like your accent I say winking at Will he blushed haha your blushinggggg i say popping the g. then Will pushed me up against his wall and started to kiss/makeout  with me I honestly was screaming inside with joy  then we both stop and press our for heads together. Kaylee will you be my baby girl? he asks yes Will I smile he picks me up at carries me to his bed and we watch some YT. Will walks me home with our fingers locked together until we reach my house  I  kiss him and hug him then we say our goodbyes then he walks back home. I open the door and walk upstairs not caring about eating anything and change into my P'JS and fall into deep sleep.

Hai guys bad and sort chapter! but i hope you liked it baii now!

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